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5 April 2024 05:00

Don't put it in the freezer, here's a trick to make the chilies last for weeks, relying on 1 simple tool and ingredients

There are many types of chilies, but the most widely used are cayenne peppers, large chili peppers, and curly chili peppers. Shahfara Raida
TikTok/@@leonygarindaa ; TikTok/@nurabillah

Brilio.net - Chili is a core spice for making a number of Indonesian dishes. Call it rendang, curry, balado spices, and various chili sauces. There are many types of chilies, but the most widely used are cayenne peppers, large chili peppers, and curly chili peppers.

Because it is often used, many people automatically choose to store chilies directly in large quantities. So, so that chilies don't go bad quickly, usually this kitchen ingredient must be stored in the freezer. Because chilies that have been frozen rot more slowly.

However, sometimes people don't like the condition of frozen chilies when they want to be processed. If you are one of them, it looks like you can try the trick for storing chilies from TikTok account user @nurabillah at home. After all, this trick for storing chilies without a freezer makes the cooking spices last for weeks.

The trick to making chilies last for weeks relies on 1 simple tool and ingredient.

The first step that must be prepared is a clean jar, equipped with a tight lid. Then line the tissue at the bottom of the jar. Yup, this tissue is the main tool to help chilies last longer. But, don't just use one sheet, but rather a lot so that it absorbs moisture more effectively in the chilies when stored.

photo: TikTok/@nurabillah

After that, place the chilies in the jar. Make sure the chilies are not washed first, then remove the stems. The owner of the TikTok account @nurabillah explained that washed chilies are usually damp and tend to rot easily when stored.

"Check your sleep every 2 weeks, if it gets wet, replace it immediately," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @nurabillah on Thursday (4/4).

So, before closing the jar, you also need to add one kitchen ingredient, namely garlic, just 1 or 2 pieces. Garlic is known to inhibit the growth of bacteria in areas where chilies are stored. That's why chilies can last longer if stored with garlic.

photo: TikTok/@nurabillah

How easy is this trick to store chilies? Taking a peek at @nurabillah's TikTok upload, there aren't many comments from netizens yet, but this video has been watched more than 7,000 times.

Benefits of consuming chilies for beauty.

Chili has several beauty benefits, although the effects may vary for each individual. Here are some potential benefits of chilies for beauty.

1. Improve blood circulation.

Consuming chili peppers can increase blood circulation, which can help provide nutrients to skin cells and improve overall skin health.

2. Helps in weight loss.

Chili contains a compound called capsaicin which can increase metabolism and burn fat. By consuming chilies regularly as part of a balanced diet, you may be able to help control your weight and maintain a healthy figure.

3. Increase collagen production.

The vitamin C content in chilies can help increase collagen production, which is an important protein for skin strength and elasticity. Collagen helps keep skin firm and radiant.

4. Contains antioxidants.

Chilies contain antioxidants such as vitamins A and C which help fight free radical damage that can cause premature aging and skin damage.

5. Improves hair health.

The vitamin A content in chilies can help maintain healthy scalp and stimulate healthy hair growth.

6. Increase energy.

Chili can increase energy and help maintain good spirits, which can be reflected in the appearance of fresher and more radiant skin.

However, keep in mind that chilies can also cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some individuals who have sensitivity to the chemicals contained in chilies. Always do a small test first if you have sensitive skin or a history of allergies to chilies or other food ingredients. Additionally, consult a health professional or nutritionist before making significant changes to your diet or beauty regimen.

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