The distribution of social assistance (bansos) in 2024 still leaves a number of problems, especially related to the Population Identification Number (NIK) of KTPs of people who are not registered as recipients. This obstacle is not only limited to the unregistered NIK, but also includes cases of rejection during the verification process of aid recipient data.
But don't worry! The first step you need to take is to understand the reason why your KTP NIK is not listed in the 2024 social assistance recipient list. That way, you can take the right action to overcome it.
The Population Identification Number consisting of 16 digits is a unique identity listed on the Population Identity Card of every Indonesian citizen. NIK is the main key in the national population database system that contains various important information about a person, including socio-economic status which is the basis for consideration in the distribution of social assistance.
Here are some reasons why you cannot check your KTP NIK as a recipient of 2024 social assistance, reported by from various sources on Saturday (16/11).
1. Does not meet administrative criteria: Administrative problems such as incomplete population data or an expired ID card could be the main cause.
2. Deemed ineligible for social assistance: If your income exceeds the established criteria limits, you may be deemed ineligible.
3. Already registered as a beneficiary of other assistance: If you are already receiving assistance from another government program, your registration may be rejected.
4. Errors in the data input process: Technical errors such as typing the NIK or personal data incorrectly can also cause the NIK to not be registered.
5. Potential or existing failure to deliver: Technical problems such as problematic recipient accounts or addresses that cannot be found can cause failure to deliver.
If you experience any of these problems, you should check directly with the local social services. If you have never received social assistance and meet the criteria, you can register online or offline.
How to register as a social assistance recipient
To get social assistance, you need to register in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). DTKS is a database that contains information on recipients of social assistance and empowerment. Here are the steps to register for DTKS offline:
1. Register at the village or sub-district office through the local RT/RW.
2. The submission will be discussed in a village or sub-district meeting.
3. The application is entered into the social assistance application.
4. The Social Service will carry out verification and validation.
5. The verification results are finalized by the District or City Social Services.
The Regional Head will approve the approved application.
To register online, you can follow these steps:
1. Download the "Kemensos Social Assistance Check" application on the Play Store.
2. Create a new account in the application.
3. Enter your personal data completely and accurately.
3. Upload a photo of your ID card and a selfie while holding your ID card.
4. Access the "Proposal List" menu in the application.
5. Follow the instructions to apply for the desired type of social assistance.
6. Make an application which will be verified by the Social Services Department.
7. The verification results will be uploaded into the system to be processed by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
How to check social assistance recipients online
To check social assistance receipts online, follow these steps:
1. Open the official Cek Bansos website at
2. Select the Province, Regency/City, Sub-district, and Village/Sub-district according to your domicile.
3. Write the name according to your ID card.
4. Type the captcha code shown.
5. Click "Search Data".
If your name is registered, information related to the assistance received will appear. If not registered, the statement "No Participants/PM" will appear.