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12 Agustus 2024 17:40

Denying allegations that her older sister is pregnant with a test tube baby, here is Syahrini's younger sister Aisyahrani's explanation

Many netizens think that Syahrini's pregnancy is a result of IVF. Ferra Listianti
Denying allegations that her older sister is pregnant with a test tube baby, here is Syahrini's younger sister Aisyahrani's explanation

Brilio.net - The happiness of Princess R's presence is not only felt by Syahrini and Reino Barack . Syahrini's sister, Aisyahrani, also feels the same way. In fact, Aisyahrani helped her sister's first child who was born in Singapore. In total, Aisyahrani helped with all the needs of her new niece for 10 days.

Upon arriving in Indonesia, Aisyahrani revealed that her extended family was happy to welcome a new family member. Moreover, Syahrini's first child was born healthy.

photo: Instagram/@syh55

"Alhamdulillah, everyone is happy, it went smoothly. The birth also went smoothly, the birth was perfect, it went smoothly, Alhamdulillah, everyone is happy," said Aisyahrani, quoted from the Intens Investigasi YouTube channel, reported Monday (12/8).

Syahrini's younger sibling who had joined the dangdut duo added that Princess R was highly anticipated by the family. Given that the singer of the songsuatu had suffered a miscarriage twice. The first time was after she got married and the second time was while on vacation in New York.

photo: Instagram/@princessyahrini

"As far as I know, the struggle process was extraordinary. This is indeed her third pregnancy, she previously had a miscarriage at the beginning of her marriage. This is what our family has been waiting for, as has Reino's family. Thank God, after waiting for five years, she was given a child," he explained.

"She had another miscarriage while she was in New York, then this was the third and thank God she was given a smooth delivery," he said further.

Aisyahrani emphasized that her sister underwent the pregnancy process of Princess R normally, not through an IVF program as many people have suspected so far. In fact, Syahrini refused the IVF program even though she had suffered 2 miscarriages.

photo: Instagram/@princessyahrini

"This is a normal birth process, thank God. Indeed, she wanted it to be normal. She did want to try IVF, but she insisted on wanting a normal birth, God willing, when the time is right, masyaAllah," he added.

Furthermore, Aisyahrani said that Syahrini underwent certain treatments so that this third pregnancy would be in good and healthy condition. Their efforts paid off. Syahrini had a healthy pregnancy, then gave birth to a baby girl in Singapore.

"But we still try, certain treatments are still carried out so that a normal birth process (not an IVF) and a caesarean section can occur," he concluded.

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