Syahrini provides the best equipment for her little daughter. SEE MORE...
9 Portraits of Syahrini and Reino Barrack's luxury apartment in Japan, the plants make you lose focus
9 Moments Syahrini celebrated two months of baby princess R, smiling happily with her mother and in-la
The luxury of the 6 equipment of the first daughter of Syahrini and Reino Barack, this is the estimated price
The moment Syahrini puts Princess R to sleep in a baby swing, the baby's face makes people curious
7 Moments of Syahrini taking care of Princess R in Singapore, the child's appearance makes you curious
Denying allegations that her older sister is pregnant with a test tube baby, here is Syahrini's younger sister Aisyahrani's explanation
The 5 year wait ended happily, the first moment Reino Barack held his daughter made me emotional
Had two miscarriages, take a peek at 11 portraits of Syahrini-Reino Barack's journey of being blessed with baby princess R
Giving birth right on her birthday, here are 9 portraits of the birth of Syahrini and Reino Barack's first child
The decoration is like a birthday party, here are 8 portraits of Syahrini's birthing room in Singapore, all pink
Syahrini was blessed with children at the age of 44, Aisyahrani revealed their gender and initials
9 The moment Syahrini held a baby shower in Singapore with her friends, the gender of her baby was still a secret
Syahrini's struggle to have children before becoming pregnant at the age of 43 makes me salute, she had two miscarriages
Reino Barack revealed why he was not wrong in choosing Syahrini as his wife, touching on her religious
Says he is ready to be a father, here are 11 romantic moments when Reino Barack poses holding Syahrini's stomach
No longer hidden, the 9 moments when Syahrini announced that she was 7 months pregnant, her maternal aura radiated
During this time it was deliberately hidden, Reino Barack's friend revealed that Syahrini was pregnant with her first child
Becoming a successful entrepreneur, this is a series of businesses carried out by Reino Barack