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8 Agustus 2017 15:05

Raline Shah Is The New AirAsia Indonesia's Independent Commissioner

Congratulation, Raline! Petra Hapsari
Raline Shah Is The New AirAsia Indonesia's Independent Commissioner Image: Twitter/Raline Shah

Actress Raline Shah is officially the new independent commissioner of AirAsia Indonesia.

The announcement was firstly made by GCEO of AirAsia Tony Fernandes on his Instagram account @tonyfernandes.

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Praising the talents of the alumna of National University of Singapore, Fernandes wrote on caption, Our new director in Airasia Indonesia @ralineshah. Smart creative humble. A real coup readying our company for IPO.

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CEO AirAsia Indonesia Dendy Kurniawan also confirmed the news.

Its actually not director, but independent commissioner. But in other countries, commissioner might also be called as director, Dendy said to Kompas.

The official statement from AirAsia Indonesia including the reason why shareholders choose Raline reportedly will be delivered this evening.

Netizens responds to the news positively following the announcement made by Tony Fernandes.

Congratulation @ralinehah indonesia proud of you. Success as always. So much love it. - @narassilvaa

Wow Congratulation @ralineshah very proud of you!! - @evaputrizkyah

Yeay go @ralineshah ... Make indonesia proud of you in the air - @candystourtravel

Raline Shah is an Indonesian actress who was also the finalist of Puteri Indonesia 2008 in which she became the most favorite contestantduring the competition.

The woman born on March 4, 1985 graduated from National University of Singapore with B.A degree in Political Science and New Media & Communications (Hons).

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