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21 Februari 2016 12:00

The problems you’ll be facing if your partner is a narcissist

This would be bad for your relationship, and also affect you as a normal human being. But how could you know? Victoria Tunggono
© 2016 addiction

Brilio.net/en - You may just have met this person and started to date with him or her. At first everything seemed so right and they charmed you with their witty character. After three weeks, you get to know them better and would know if they are the right one for you. It takes two to tango, and surely you need both parties to work on this relationship. So be careful on picking your lifetime partnerhe/she could be a narcissistic. This would be bad for your relationship, and also affect you as a normal human being. But how could you know?

1. They make everything about themselves

As you start to argue about things, see which way does it tend to which direction does the argument tend to flow; is it about the two of you and the relationship or is it just about them and their feelings? If they unreasonably start to say that you are selfish and unworthy, its a warning. You dont want to spend the rest of your life serving only their emotional needs.

2. They really, really love themselves

Love is the most important thing we need in a relationship. But a narcissist would love only him/herself above all. They are so into themselves and will make themselves their first priority first, and constantly seek validation from othersand as such a narcissist partner would tire you out for nothing. You surely have much more important things to deal with other than their bragging.

3. They are too dramatic

Most of the time they are the drama king or queen. They love attention so much that they would dramatize everything, dragging you into their so-called life problems that they can actually solve by themselves. They need people to defend them to feel good about themselves, which is normal in certain doses. But if this goes often and daily, it will drain your energy.

4. They are manipulative

They have this special trick to make you feel bad only to get you do what they want. They have a tendency to manipulate you in such a subtle way that you wouldnt be able to resist their request and dont even realize that they made you do it. They will make you feel bad if you dont fulfill what they want. It might be cute in the beginning but too much manipulation will leave nothing in the space for you.

5. Yet through it all they're charming

Image via wiseGeek

Surely its the first thing that they got to get you on the hook. They really like you anyway, because you would give anything to complete what they want. They do love you, but be careful with the word love here. Some people may truly love you for who you are but narcissists love you just for the things you do for them, or the idea of how you complete them.

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