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9 Februari 2024 23:59

Instead of using a honey scrub, how to overcome dry and cracked heels so that they are smooth, use 2 natural ingredients

To restore moisture to your heels, you can overcome this by using a scrub made from natural ingredients. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com ; YouTube/selfcarewithp

Brilio.net - The heel is the part of the foot that is prone to dryness and cracking, so it can be quite disturbing to your appearance. Many people feel less confident about wearing heels, because they are bothered by rough and cracked heels. Rough and cracked heels occur for various reasons. One of them is a lack of skin moisture in the heel area of the foot.

Other factors, such as sun exposure, dry winds, and cold weather can also remove natural moisture. This condition can occur due to the use of cleaners with harsh chemicals. It could also be due to using water that is too hot. You need to know, hot water can remove natural oils on the skin.

Rough and cracked heels do not cause serious complaints in sufferers. However, if this condition is not treated immediately there are various health risks that can be experienced, such as discomfort when walking, pain in the heel area, even wounds and irritation. To restore moisture to your heels, you can overcome this by using a scrub made from natural ingredients.

No need to use a honey scrub, instead you can use petroleum jelly and coconut oil . Petroleum jelly is a natural moisturizer that can keep the skin moist, so it avoids dryness and chapping. This natural ingredient is also useful as a skin protector from sun exposure and free radicals.

photo: freepik.com

Meanwhile, coconut oil or commonly known as coconut oil makes heels softer. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content helps relieve irritation. Antifungal and antibacterial properties can prevent infections due to cracked heels. Quoting from Healthline, using coconut oil can hydrate the skin optimally.

Likewise with aloe vera gel which is a natural moisturizer with a multitude of benefits for the skin. One of them is treating dry and cracked heels, thanks to the amino acid content in aloe vera which can make the skin smooth and moisturized. No exception, vitamin E is also able to maintain skin moisture and soften heels thanks to the high antioxidant content in it.

Using these two main ingredients is very easy. However, for those of you who don't know how, let's follow the tutorial below which briliobeauty.net reported from the selfcarewithp YouTube account, Friday (9/2).


photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. 3 teaspoons petroleum jelly
2. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
3. 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
4. 1 vitamin E capsule

How to make:

photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. Add petroleum jelly
2. Pour in coconut oil
3. Mix with aloe vera gel
4. Add vitamin E
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

How to apply:

photo: YouTube/selfcarewithp

1. Wash your feet first
2. Then, dry it using a towel
3. Spread the cream evenly on the surface of the heel
4. Leave it for approximately one night
5. The next day, rinse with normal water.

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