This term shows the richness of Indonesian language and culture.

  19 September 2024 23:35 - In Indonesian, there are many terms that are not often used in everyday conversation, one of which is teknonym. This term may be rarely known, but it has an important meaning in certain contexts.

Teknonym is a term in Indonesian that is rarely known but has important meaning in the context of family and cultural relationships. By understanding what teknonym is, one can gain deeper insight into how names are used to indicate social and family relationships. This term shows the richness of language and culture, and provides a deeper perspective on how society interacts and communicates through names.

What is Teknonym?

Teknonymy is a term that refers to the use of names to refer to the relationship between parents and children. In teknonymy, a person's name is often used to indicate a familial relationship, such as the name used to describe a child based on the names of its parents.

Characteristics of Teknonyms:

  1. Use of Family Names : Technonyms often involve the use of family names or parents' names as a reference to a person. For example, in some cultures, a child may be referred to by adding the name of the parent to their own name.
  2. Social Context : This term is more commonly used in certain social and cultural contexts, such as in communities that have specific customs in the use of names.

example of Indonesian speech  2023


Examples of Using Teknonyms

  • Family Names : In many cultures, it is common to use family names or surnames as teknonyms. For example, the surname "Jaya" can be used to indicate descent from the Jaya family.
  • Child Names : In some communities, teknonyms may involve using the parent's name to refer to a child. For example, in some areas, a boy may be called "Anak Budi" if his father's name is Budi.

Why is Teknonym Important?

Knowing the term technonyms is important to understand various cultural and social aspects of society. Technonyms help in:

  1. Understanding Family Relationships : By understanding teknonyms, one can more easily understand family relationships and social structures in various cultures.
  2. Importance in Cultural Research : For researchers and academics, teknonyms can provide insights into how names are used in different communities and how this reflects social structures.
