The use of compound sentences makes writing more varied and interesting to read.

  6 September 2024 19:21 - Various types of compound sentences can be found in oral and written communication. Each type of compound sentence has its own characteristics and functions in conveying meaning. Compound sentences are an important element in Indonesian that can enrich the way of communicating.

This unique sentence structure allows the speaker to combine two or more independent clauses as equals. These clauses are connected by coordinating conjunctions such as and, but, or, and so on.

The use of compound sentences makes writing more varied and interesting to read. These types of sentences include addition, selection, and opposition relationships between clauses.

Well, recognizing examples of compound sentences and their types can open your insight into the richness of the Indonesian language. Here has summarized from various sources, 50 examples of compound sentences from various sources, Friday (6/9).

Characteristics of compound sentences.

50 Examples of equivalent compound sentences  2024


1. Consists of two or more main clauses
2. The clauses have equal status
3. Connected with coordinating conjunctions
4. Each clause can stand alone as a single sentence.
5. Have interrelated meanings between clauses

Types of compound sentences.

1. Compound Sentences of Equal Addition
2. Compound Sentences of Equal Opposition
3. Compound Sentences of Equal Selection

1. Compound sentences are equivalent to addition.

This type combines two or more clauses that have a relationship of addition or addition of information. The conjunctions used include and, as well as, then, later.

1. Father is reading the newspaper and mother is cooking in the kitchen.
2. The younger sibling is studying math, the older sibling is doing language homework, and the mother is preparing dinner.
3. We shopped at the market then stopped by grandma's house.
4. He finished his work quickly and went home early.
5. They sang, danced, and played music in the show.

2. Compound sentences of equal resistance.

This type combines two clauses that have contradictory or opposing meanings. The conjunctions used include but, however, instead, whereas.

6. I want to go to the beach, but the weather is not good.
7. He is good at mathematics, but weak in language lessons.
8. It wasn't just us who were late, but all the meeting participants were.
9. The younger sibling likes sweet food, while the older sibling prefers salty food.
10. Prices of goods rise, but people's income remains the same.

3. Compound sentences with equal choices.

This type combines two or more clauses that express choices. The connecting word used is "or".

11. We can go to the mall or visit a museum today.
12. You can choose red or blue to paint your room.
13. They will go on holiday to Bali or visit family in Surabaya.
14. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer.
15. We can watch movies in the cinema or enjoy them at home.

35 Other examples of compound sentences.

50 Examples of equivalent compound sentences  2024


16. He studies diligently and always gets good grades.
17. We went to the bookstore and then stopped by a cafe.
18. Mother cooks vegetables, father cleans the yard, and the children tidy up their rooms.
19. The car was driving fast but still obeyed the speed limit.
20. You can choose chocolate cake or cheesecake as dessert.
21. They work hard but still maintain a balance in their life.
22. We want to go on vacation to the beach or visit the mountains this summer.
23. He is good at playing guitar and also good at singing.
24. The company produces sports shoes and sells fitness accessories.
25. We can take a bus or order an online taxi to get to the airport.
26. It was raining heavily, but the event was still lively.
27. He doesn't like spicy food but prefers savory dishes.
28. We can hold the meeting this morning or postpone it until tomorrow.
29. They walk to school and go home by bicycle.
30. You must do this assignment now or finish it tomorrow morning.
31. The younger sibling likes playing games, while the older sibling prefers reading books.
32. We can eat at the restaurant or order takeout.
33. He is good at sports and also excels in academics.
34. They can take leave or work from home during the pandemic.
35. We must save energy and preserve the environment.
36. You can pay in cash or using a debit card.
37. She is not only beautiful but also intelligent and talented.
38. We can have a party at home or rent a place outside.
39. They practiced hard and finally won the competition.
40. You can choose science or social studies major in high school later.
41. He likes reading novels and also watching film adaptations.
42. We can go by car or take the train to that city.
43. They not only sell fresh fruit but also provide fruit juice.
44. We can exercise at the gym or do it in the city park.
45. She is good at cooking Indonesian food and is also proficient in Western cuisine.
46. We can hold meetings face to face or via video conference.
47. They grow organic vegetables and sell them at local markets.
48. You can take an English course or study independently.
49. He is not only good at math but also talented in art.
50. We can stay at a hotel or rent a villa during the holidays.
