Helping teachers to create a conducive, inspiring learning atmosphere and forming a smarter and more characterful generation.

  26 September 2024 19:30 - Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the upload of a pornographic video of a teacher and student in Gorontalo circulating widely on social media. The upload has drawn a lot of criticism from the public.

After the pornographic video circulated, the victim's family (student) reported it to the Women and Children's Service Unit (PPA) of the Gorontalo Police. After investigating, it turned out that the teacher and student had been in a relationship since 2022. In 2023, the two were caught in a relationship, but both the student and the teacher denied it.

Now the teacher (DH aged 57) has been named a suspect by the Gorontalo Police for committing indecent acts against a minor.

Based on Child Protection Law Number 23 of 2002, if an immoral act occurs against a minor, it can be subject to criminal sanctions with a prison sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years.

Regardless of the case, of course every profession has its own code of ethics . Every professional is required to comply with all applicable rules. Including a teacher who is bound by various codes of ethics of his profession.

So what are the codes of ethics for teachers that must actually be adhered to? So that you understand better, let's take a look at the complete review that has adapted from various sources, Thursday (26/9).

Code of ethics for teachers in Indonesia.

Code of ethics for teachers in Indonesia  2024


The code of ethics for teachers in Indonesia is a moral and professional guide that must be followed by every teacher. The purpose of this code of ethics is to maintain the integrity of the profession, protect the rights of students, and ensure the implementation of an educational process based on ethical principles.

Teachers, as one of the key elements in the world of education, not only play a role in conveying knowledge, but also have the responsibility to be role models in attitudes, actions, and daily behavior. The code of ethics for teachers in Indonesia includes.

1. Responsibility towards the profession.

Teachers are required to carry out their duties with dedication and professionalism. This responsibility includes preparation of teaching materials, implementation of effective learning, and evaluation of student learning outcomes.

Teachers are also required to continue to improve their competence through training and continuing education so that they are able to keep up with the times and the demands of the world of education.

2. Commitment to students.

One of the main responsibilities of a teacher is towards the development of students. Teachers are required to teach by paying attention to the interests, talents, and needs of students.

A teacher must create a supportive learning environment, provide moral guidance, and encourage students to reach their full potential. In addition, teachers must ensure protection for students from all forms of discrimination, violence, or unfair treatment.

3. Maintain student confidentiality.

Teachers have an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of students' personal information, both related to academic achievement and personal matters. This information should not be disseminated without a valid reason or the consent of the relevant party. Teachers must respect the privacy rights of students and their families, and are responsible for the appropriate use of information for educational purposes.

4. Professional relationships with colleagues.

Teachers are expected to be able to maintain good professional relationships with fellow teachers and other school staff. Cooperation and mutual support are essential to creating a positive work environment. Teachers must also be open to discussions and exchange experiences for the development of better learning methods.

5. Uphold integrity and morality.

Teachers are required to maintain personal and professional integrity in every aspect of their lives, both inside and outside of school. As role models for students and the community, teachers must always act in accordance with social and legal norms. Behavior that harms the dignity of the profession, such as corruption, plagiarism, or harassment, is unacceptable in the teaching profession.

6. Protection of students' rights.

Teachers have a role to protect students' rights, including the right to receive quality education, express themselves, and feel safe in the school environment. Teachers must ensure that students receive fair, non-discriminatory treatment and are actively involved in the learning process.

7. Continuous self-development.

Teachers must continue to strive to develop their skills and knowledge through various self-development opportunities, such as training, seminars, or further studies. This professional development is very important so that teachers remain relevant and competent in facing changes in curriculum, technology, and student educational needs.

8. Maintain boundaries in relationships with students.

Professional boundaries between teachers and students must be strictly maintained. Relationships that violate these boundaries, such as romantic or intimate relationships between teachers and students, are strictly prohibited because they violate ethics that can damage the trust and credibility of the profession. Teachers must maintain a professional attitude in every interaction with students, in order to maintain the integrity of the profession.

9. Respect school policies and regulations.

Teachers must comply with all policies and regulations in force at school. Including regulations regarding attendance, discipline, curriculum, and internal code of ethics. Complying with these rules is not only a professional obligation, but also a form of support for a better national education system.

10. Act as an agent of change.

Teachers are not only tasked as educators, but also agents of social change. Teachers must instill national values, morals, and ethics to students so that future generations can become good citizens. Teachers are expected to be role models in shaping the character of students and a better society.

The code of ethics for teachers in Indonesia is not just a written guideline, but also a form of moral responsibility that must be carried out seriously.

By complying with this code of ethics, teachers not only maintain the good name of their profession, but also play an active role in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.

By implementing a good code of ethics, teachers can create a conducive, inspiring learning atmosphere and shape a smarter and more characterful generation.
