
Find various combinations of fast walking that can improve your fitness, complete with a variety of movements.

  30 September 2024 17:25 - Brisk walking is a form of exercise that is easy to do by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Not requiring special equipment, brisk walking can be the right choice to maintain body fitness. In addition, brisk walking also has many variations of movements that can make this activity more fun and challenging.

For those who are bored with the same old fast walking routine, there are many combinations of movements that can be tried. These combinations not only make fast walking more interesting, but also help train various body muscles more effectively. Here are some combinations of fast walking that can be tried, complete with variations of movements.

  1. Brisk walking with intervals.

    Interval brisk walking is one effective way to increase the intensity of your workout. The trick is to walk briskly for a few minutes, then walk at a normal pace for a few minutes, and repeat this cycle several times. For example, walk briskly for 2 minutes, then walk slowly for 1 minute, and repeat for 30 minutes.

  2. Fast walking with jumps.

    Adding small jumps to your brisk walk can help build leg muscle strength and balance. The trick is to walk briskly for a few steps, then jump with both feet at the same time, and continue walking briskly. Repeat this movement throughout the brisk walk route.

  3. Fast walking with arm movements.

    Actively moving your arms while walking fast can help burn more calories and train your arm muscles. The trick is to swing your arms back and forth at the same rhythm as your steps. Make sure your arms stay bent at the elbows and the movement is done with full power.

  4. Walk fast with wide strides.

    Widening your stride while walking fast can help train your thigh and glute muscles. The trick is to take longer strides than usual, but still maintain your walking speed. Make sure your body stays upright and does not bend over as you walk.

  5. Fast walking with side movements.

    Adding side steps to your brisk walk can help work your hip muscles and improve flexibility. To do this, briskly walk forward a few steps, then walk sideways a few steps, and then walk forward again. Repeat this throughout your brisk walk.

  6. Fast walking with forward-backward movements.

    The back and forth motion of fast walking can help train your leg muscles and improve coordination. The trick is to take a few steps forward quickly, then take a few steps backward, and then walk forward again. Be sure to look back when walking backward to avoid obstacles.

  7. Fast walking with zig-zag movements.

    The zig-zag motion of fast walking can help train your leg muscles and improve your balance. The trick is to walk fast in a zig-zag pattern, that is, walk a few steps to the right, then a few steps to the left, and repeat along the fast walking route.

  8. Fast walking with high knees.

    High knee lifts during fast walking can help work your abdominal and thigh muscles. The trick is to lift your knees as high as possible with each step, while maintaining a walking pace. Repeat this movement throughout the fast walking route.

  9. Brisk walking with heel to buttock movement .

    Touching your heel to your butt while brisk walking can help work your hamstrings and glutes. The trick is to bend your knees and lift your heel toward your butt with each step, while maintaining a steady walking pace. Repeat this movement throughout your brisk walking route.

  10. Fast walking with lateral movements.

    Lateral or sideways movements during fast walking can help train the hip muscles and increase flexibility. The method is to walk quickly a few steps forward, then walk a few steps to the side, and walk forward again. Repeat this movement throughout the fast walking route.

By trying various combinations of these fast walks, fast walking activities will not feel boring anymore. In addition, these variations of movements can also help train various body muscles more effectively and improve overall fitness. Don't forget to always warm up before starting fast walking and cool down after finishing to avoid injury.

Brisk walking may seem simple, but by adding variations to your movements, it can become more challenging and rewarding. Good luck and may you reach your fitness goals!
