- Stainless steel chairs are known to be strong and durable, but that doesn't mean they are free from problems. If not properly maintained, the stainless surface can oxidize, causing rust and making it look dull.
Rust on stainless steel chairs usually appears due to exposure to high humidity and water residue that dries on the surface. In addition, hot steam from the kitchen or splashes of soapy water that stick without being cleaned immediately can also accelerate the oxidation process.
YouTube/Ghazi Fun Techno
Clean Rust with Bath ToolsUsually, rust on stainless steel furniture is cleaned with hot water. Hot water is used to soak the rusty part so that the stain is softer and easier to remove.
However, there is a simple trick that can be used to clean rust without having to scrub with hot water. Reported by from YouTube Ghazi Fun Techno, this method only requires one bathroom tool that is often used every day, namely toothpaste.
YouTube/Ghazi Fun Techno
How to use it is very easy and does not require much effort. The rusty surface of the chair is simply cleaned with water first so that the dirt that sticks to it is gone.
After that, toothpaste can be directly applied sufficiently to the rusty part. Let it sit for 5 minutes so that the content in the toothpaste works to remove rust stains effectively.
YouTube/Ghazi Fun Techno
After letting it sit for a few minutes, rub it gently with a dry cloth or tissue to remove the rust. Rinse with clean water until the toothpaste residue is gone and the surface is clean again.
As a result, the rust that sticks to the stainless steel chair legs immediately disappears and returns to its shiny state. This trick is not only cheap, but also more practical than other methods that require chemicals or scrubbing with hot water.
YouTube/Ghazi Fun Techno
Prevent Rust on Stainless ChairsTo keep stainless steel chairs clean and free from rust, regular maintenance is essential. One of the best ways is to always dry the surface of the chair after it has been exposed to water so that no moisture remains.
Also, avoid using harsh cleaning agents as they can damage the protective layer of stainless steel. Regularly cleaning the chair with a dry cloth or using a little mineral oil can also help prevent rust.
With this simple trick, rusty stainless steel chairs can be clean again in just 5 minutes without the need for extra effort. Good luck!