Various types of shoes are available on the market, one of which is sneakers.

  3 Maret 2025 19:30 - In addition to clothes and bags, shoes are important equipment to support various activities. Shoes function to protect the feet from insects and dangerous objects that can be stepped on while walking. Various types of shoes are available on the market, one of which is sneakers.

Sneakers are often chosen because they have a variety of models and colors that can be combined with various types of clothing. White is a favorite because it looks simple and minimalist. However, white shoes get dirty faster than other colors, so they require extra care to keep them looking clean.

Soil stains often stick to the soles and surfaces of shoes. If not cleaned immediately, these stains can absorb into the shoe fabric and become difficult to remove with just soap. Improper cleaning can also make the white color duller and look less well-maintained.

Special cleaning agents are needed to remove stubborn stains to make shoes clean again. As shared by YouTube user Rbrain Project, there is a practical way to clean dirt stains on white shoes without having to dry them in the sun, so the results are seen faster and still maintain the quality of the shoe material.

As reported by on Monday (3/3), the YouTube user used toothpaste to clean shoes. In addition to toothpaste, he also used dish soap to clean the leather part of the shoes.

However, he did not mix toothpaste and dish soap. Both ingredients were applied separately in three stages of washing. First, he cleaned the sole of the shoe, then the fabric, and finally cleaned the base of the shoe.

wash dirt stains on white shoes add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Rbrain Project

First, pour enough toothpaste into a container without mixing it. Also prepare enough water to rinse the toothbrush used to brush the shoes. Apply toothpaste to the sole of the shoe and brush until the dirt stains slowly begin to fade.

After that, wipe the brushed sole with cotton or a clean cloth. Repeat the steps until the entire sole of the shoe is clean.

wash dirt stains on white shoes add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Rbrain Project

For the upper part of the shoe made of fabric, brush gently with dish soap without mixing it with water. Brush gently until the dirt stains begin to fade. After that, wipe with cotton or a clean cloth.

wash dirt stains on white shoes add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Rbrain Project

You can do the same steps to clean the sole of the shoe. With this washing process, the shoe will not be too wet so it will dry faster. You can also dry it with the help of a hairdryer so it dries faster without having to be dried in the sun.

How to choose comfortable shoes.

1. Choose the Right Size
Make sure the shoe size fits the length and width of your feet. It is best to try shoes in the afternoon or evening because feet tend to swell a little after a day of activity.

2. Pay attention to the shoe material
Choose shoes made of flexible, lightweight materials that have good air circulation so that your feet don't sweat easily or feel hot when worn.

3. Check the Shoe Soles
A good sole should be thick enough and have good grip so that it is not slippery. Choose a sole that is soft and can absorb shocks well for maximum comfort.

4. Make sure the pads are comfortable
Comfortable shoes should have enough cushioning to support the soles of your feet. This cushioning helps reduce pressure on your heels and toes when walking or standing for long periods.

5. Try on Shoes with Socks
If you wear socks often, try on shoes with socks to make sure they fit comfortably and don't feel tight when worn.

6. Adjust to the Type of Activity
Each activity requires a different type of shoe. For long walks, choose shoes with soft soles. If used for sports, choose shoes that are specially designed to support body movements well.

7. Make sure it's not too tight or loose
Shoes that are too tight can cause blisters, while shoes that are too loose can make your feet unstable when walking. Give your toes a little room so they don't feel pressured.

8. Check the Quality of Stitching and Adhesive
Make sure the stitches are neat and strong so that the shoes are more durable. If using adhesive or laces, make sure they can be tightened properly to adjust the comfort when worn.

By paying attention to the above points, the shoes chosen will not only be comfortable to wear, but will also support healthy feet and body posture.
