Even though he didn't intend to at first, without realizing it he was saving money~

  15 Juni 2024 23:00

Brilio.net - Although not all, men are often the ones who play the role of paying when going on dates with women. This habit is rooted in social and cultural norms that have developed. The tradition may stem from men's role as breadwinner and protector, responsible for ensuring the comfort and safety of their partners.

This habit also applies to this woman named Vivian Tu. He said that he had dated 6 times a week. This saves him money over a period of two years .

Not half-hearted, the woman admitted that she had saved 150 US dollars in shopping money, or the equivalent of IDR 2.4 million in a week. Because of this, Vivian Tu no longer needs to buy groceries and other food ingredients for 2 years.

"Between 2016-2018 I didn't buy groceries once. Maybe I saved around $150 a week," he said in a TikTok post @YourRichBFF as reported by brilio.net on Saturday (15/6).

date 6 times a week save  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@YourRichBFF

However, many people disagree with what the woman did. Some netizens said that it was an unethical act. It's no different from someone who is living life.

However, in an interview with Elite Daily media, the woman gave an explanation regarding her statement which caused a stir. He said that the goal of dating 6 days a week was not to live frugally. However, he really felt that his finances were easier when he went on this date.

date 6 times a week save  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@YourRichBFF

Tu admitted that when he first lived in New York, he decided to play on some dating apps. In fact, she often spends money to buy drinks while waiting at the bar when she has an appointment with a man. However, when the man arrived, their conversation turned to an invitation to eat together.

"I'll buy myself a drink, and I'll meet someone. Often, that leads to, Hey, let's go to dinner this weekend or next weekend," he said as quoted by elitedaily.com

Tu is well aware that deliberately dating for free food is not a good idea. He is more supportive of someone doing it because it is to find love. Because, many people in life need a partner.

Besides, Tu is not unemployed. He works as an equity trader earning $95,000 a year. If converted into rupiah, Tu's income is IDR 1.5 billion or IDR 130 million a month.

However, even though his income is good, he admits that he has to pay high living costs. He lives in an expensive area of New York. Tu said finding affordable groceries nearby is not easy.

date 6 times a week save  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@YourRichBFF

"The market closest to my apartment is very expensive, so I never feel comfortable shopping there," he said.

But by dating, he realized he could save a lot. Where, the income will be spent on other things such as goods, savings, investments and so on.

Now Tu doesn't do that practice anymore, he has used other money-saving strategies. Tu admitted that he did not regret the act of dating. Because for him, it can add to his experience.

"You go somewhere new, eat good food and make new connections or, at least, practice your small talk, he concludes.
