- It is common knowledge that in the past, the Dutch once colonized Indonesia. Therefore the Netherlands has a special attachment to our Motherland. Having colonized and officially leaving after recognizing Indonesia's independence, the Dutch in fact not only brought various natural riches, but also memories.
The memories were so attached that in this land of windmills a settlement was created in the middle of the sea called Java Island. In Dutch, the island is called Java Eiland.
The island of Java in the Netherlands is not as large as that in Indonesia. The island is just a small reclaimed island connected by a bridge.
The island of Java in the Netherlands also has large buildings in the form of luxury hotels and restaurants. Apart from that, on this island there are also many street names taken from regions in Indonesia.
What does Java Eiland or Java Island look like in the Netherlands, and what are the Indonesian regional names used as street or building names there? Here are nine portraits that you can find, reported by from the TikTok video @jerhemynemoo, Tuesday (14/5). Check it out!
1. In the video, it is shown that there is an island called Java Island or Java Eiland in the land of windmills, the Netherlands. The island is a reclaimed island built right across the sea near Amsterdam.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
2. From the city of Amsterdam, this island can be reached by bridge. You can see that at the front of this island there is the flag of the DKI Jakarta province.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
3. Apart from that, a hotel is shown with the name Hotel Jakarta.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
4. It is full of Indonesian nuances. One of them is a traditional rickshaw that says 'Jepara City of Carving'.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
5. The meeting rooms of this hotel are named after regions on the island of Java. One of them is Yogyakarta.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
6. Not only the name and the rickshaw are on display, this hotel also has banana trees planted which apparently bear fruit, you know.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
7. Continuing to the streets in Java Eiland, the street names are also taken from the names of areas on the island of Java, Indonesia. This road, Lamonggracht, is taken from the name Lamongan.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
8. Next there is a small canal called the Brantas river.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
9. There is also a tunnel called Serang, taken from the capital of Banten Province, Serang.
photo: TikTok/@jerhemynemoo
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