
Thalassemia is a disease that can infect a person through genetics.

  14 Mei 2024 09:00 - Some time ago, many school children in Jakarta were diagnosed with thalassemia . However, because there is still limited information available to the public at large, the public is still unfamiliar with this disease. Thalassemia disease really needs to be watched out for by all groups. This is because thalassemia is a disease that can infect a person through genetics, or heredity. As a result, it is very difficult to prevent the spread of thalassemia without early examination.

Thalassemia disease also has symptoms or signs that often appear. Symptoms of Thalassemia can vary, depending on the severity of the disease. Apart from that, Thalassemia also has several types, such as beta thalassemia, thalassemia intermedia, and thalassemia major. If you are interested in finding information about Thalassemia, along with its symptoms and how to treat it, you can gather information about this disease below.

The following is the definition, symptoms, and how to check for Thalassemia. As reported by from various sources, Monday (13/5).

Understanding Thalassemia disease

Understanding Thalassemia  2024


The definition of thalassemia is a genetic disease, or you could say a disease inherited from parents. This disease is an abnormality in the formation of the protein structure in blood hemoglobin. The main function of blood hemoglobin is as a tissue that carries, binds and circulates oxygen to all organs of the body. Therefore, if there are abnormalities in the process of forming the hemoglobin structure, it is certain that the function of the body's organs will also be disrupted. Hemoglobin is a substance that functions as a building block for red blood cells. After being attacked by Thalassemia, red blood cells will become damaged and their active lifespan will be shorter.

Continuous abnormalities in the hemoglobin structure can cause other diseases related to red blood cells, such as anemia. Anemia is a condition where the body lacks red blood cells in a healthy condition, as a result the various organs of the body cannot get red blood cells and sufficient oxygen. Therefore, Thalassemia really needs to be watched out for, apart from the fact that Thalassemia is a genetic disease, this disease can also cause complications from other diseases, such as heart problems, liver problems, lack of nutrition for the body's growth, and most fatally it can cause death.

Thalassemia sufferers are divided into several groups, including: Thalassemia minor, Thalassemia intermedia, and Thalassemia major. Thalassemia minor is a disease inherited from their parents without any symptoms. At the blood examination stage, hemoglobin was found to be slightly below normal. Thalassemia intermedia usually appears in older patients and does not require routine blood transfusions. Meanwhile, Thalassemia major is the most severe type of Thalassemia sufferer, usually having symptoms such as paleness, weakness, fatigue, lethargy accompanied by a bulging stomach. Thalassemia major sufferers require lifelong blood transfusions to be able to live a normal life.

Symptoms of Thalassemia

Understanding Thalassemia  2024


For every individual who is indicated to have Thalassemia, the earliest symptoms begin after the first 2 years of life from the birth of the child. Some of the symptoms that often affect people with mild thalassemia include a weak body, stunted growth, and an enlarged spleen. The general symptoms felt by sufferers of severe thalassemia include changes in the shape of facial bones, dark urine and yellowish skin. The following lists several symptoms and signs of Thalassemia based on type:

- Beta thalassemia minor

Sufferers of beta thalassemia minor will usually experience weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, and suffer from mild anemia. Generally, people with beta thalassemia minor do not really need blood transfusions.

- Beta thalassemia intermedia

People with beta thalassemia intermedia generally have symptoms such as moderate to severe anemia, the appearance of a yellowish color on the skin or the whites of the eyes, and abnormal enlargement of the spleen. Beta thalassemia intermedia treatment does not always require blood transfusions. However, if there are other conditions such as severe infections that worsen anemia, this condition may require a blood transfusion.

- Beta thalassemia major

In terms of medical treatment, people with beta thalassemia major will complain that their body feels very weak, their urine is very dark in color, and they suffer from severe anemia. Therefore, it requires regular blood transfusions, namely every 1-2 months. People with beta thalassemia major must be under the supervision of a doctor. This process is useful for checking whether there are allergic reactions or side effects from long-term blood transfusions, such as the buildup of iron deposits in body tissues (hemosiderosis). Excessive accumulation of iron can cause iron to accumulate in the heart or brain, disrupt the hormonal system, and thalassemia in children can inhibit the puberty process.

How to treat Thalassemia

Understanding Thalassemia  2024


Until now, no effective drug has been found that can treat Thalassemia completely. Thalassemia is a disease that requires long-term and intensive treatment throughout life. To increase the intake of a healthy supply of red blood cells, Thalassemia sufferers require regular red blood cell transfusions. Under certain conditions, Thalassemia sufferers will be advised to undergo a bone marrow transplant.

To prevent the spread of thalassemia to the next generation, health screening is required for anyone who wants to get married. Especially for sufferers who come from families affected by Thalassemia. This functions so that the red blood cell disorders suffered by the sufferer are not passed down genetically to the descendants of the Thalassemia sufferer.

That's an explanation of why after breakfast you often feel heartburn and sleepiness, and how to deal with it. The hope is that after you know the information about Thalassemia. With this information, you can carry out appropriate early treatment. For anyone suffering from Thalassemia, immediately seek treatment from an expert doctor in the field. Hopefully this information is useful!

Intern: Zidan Fajri
