foto: TikTok/@dilan.janiyar4

This girl admitted that her odd method actually made the pizza juicier.

  5 Februari 2024 18:23 - Even though it originates from Italy , pizza has now become a very popular culinary dish throughout the world. Consisting of thin dough decorated with a variety of toppings such as tomato sauce, cheese, meat and vegetables, pizza offers a tempting and satisfying combination of flavors.

The uniqueness of pizza lies in its ability to be tailored to individual tastes, creating endless variations and becoming a favorite choice for various cultures. In fact, people are starting to emerge who eat pizza in strange ways.

For example, as shown by the TikTok account @dilan.janiyar4 through its video, reported by on Monday (5/2). In the video, the uploader shows the odd way he treats pizza before eating it. It was so eccentric that the uploader admitted that several people had called him brutal.

Girl eating fried pizza  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dilan.janiyar4

It is called brutal because the uploader did not immediately eat the pizza as usual. However, he fried it first. The way to fry it is like Indonesian fried food in general: using the deep frying method. On the pan, the pizza is then turned over so that the entire surface is submerged in hot oil.

This method is his favorite. In fact, according to his confession, he had just bought the fried pizza shown in the video. But, instead of eating it straight away, he fried it first to get the texture and taste he really likes.

Girl eating fried pizza  TikTok

< em>photo: TikTok/@dilan.janiyar4

In another video, the uploader then shows the results of the pizza he fried. He also showed the moments when he ate the pizza. Unexpectedly, the pizza looked very crispy and delicious. The uploader also admitted that the fried pizza he made was juicier.

The uploader then encouraged netizens to imitate the way he eats his pizza. However, after frying, the uploader suggested that the pizza be sliced until all the oil drips are gone. That way, the pizza will taste delicious and not too greasy to eat.

Girl eating fried pizza  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dilan.janiyar4

As a result, the video went viral on TikTok. Until this article was written, the video had been watched 1.3 million times, liked 40.2 thousand times, and commented on 729 times. Some of the comments were written as follows.

"But it's really delicious fried pizza," said the account @andrshtrnvnt.

"But it's great, I even recooked fried pizza, " wrote the account @disazone.

"That's how delicious it is, sis, fried pizza ..I prefer it fried ," commented the account @ayra_afizzah1306.

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