foto: YouTube/AH

It's so spacious, anyone will definitely gawk at Sarwendah's walk-in closet.

  2 April 2024 21:45 - Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah currently live in a luxury house in the Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta. The family, nicknamed The Onsu Family, occupied the house around the beginning of 2020. Previously, it was known that they lived in an apartment.

The house, which has an area of 2,200 square meters, has a modern style and has white and brown nuances. Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah also often show parts of their house in various photos and videos shared on social media.

Of all the rooms, the main bedroom is one of the spots that attracts the public's attention. Not only is it spacious with a walk-in closet full of branded items, this room also has a 'secret room', you know.

What do you think is the contents of Ruben and Sarwendah's luxurious room? The following is a portrait summarized by from YouTube AH, Tuesday (2/4).

1. The first area before entering Ruben and Sarwendah's room is the spacious walk-in closet.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

2. The walk in closet has a large cupboard which stores all of The Onsu Family's clothes, from Ruben to the children's clothes.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

3. In front of the cupboard there is a glass table which stores accessories, such as the phone cases belonging to Sarwendah and her two daughters. Too complete, the walk-in closet is nicknamed Bak Mangga Dua.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

4. After passing through the walk-in closet, there is a partition using curtains that connects the walk-in closet area with the main bedroom.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

5. Ruben and his wife's main bedroom is very spacious and looks airy.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

6. This room is decorated with marble floors and walls painted light brown.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

7. The mattress in this room is very large and has four support posts on the sides.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

8. Not many people know that Sarwendah's room actually has a secret room. The door to enter this secret room is made from the same cupboard as the cupboard in the walk-in closet.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

9. Entering the secret door, there is a special room where Sarwendah and Ruben's shoe collection is stored.

Sarwendah's room has a secret room  YouTube

Sarwendah's room has a secret room

Even though he is rich, he still lives simply

A luxurious life is inherent in Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's household. This couple is known as one of the richest celebrities. Not only is Ruben's career very successful, but also several businesses they have started are also considered successful.

Even though he is attached to a luxurious life, Sarwendah often appears simple. The former member of Cherrybelle is not even shy about doing various jobs at home. Both cleaning and assembling your own furniture.

Even though she has many household assistants (ART), she still goes shopping at the market herself, cooks, and even washes the children's clothes herself without a machine, aka using a rolling board or brush. The woman with three children received a lot of praise from netizens
