foto: YouTube/Tiko

After dozens of years of living barely in an inadequate housing condition, Tiko can now enjoy a proper life.

  29 Maret 2024 05:45 - Some time ago, the public was shocked by the story of a young man named Tiko who lived with his mother, Eny, in an abandoned house without water and electricity for dozens of years. Tiko's story also raised concerns , especially because he was single-handedly caring for his mother who was experiencing mental and mental disorders because her beloved husband had just left her.

This condition also invites public sympathy. Many residents from various parties and local volunteers came to help clean Tiko's house. Apart from being cleaned and renovated, Tiko's house has also received electricity to make it suitable for living in.

photo: YouTube/Tiko

Now, Tiko's house is even more comfortable and filled with new household items. Apart from adding wallpaper, cupboards, tables and television, Tiko also improved the kitchen. In this area, it now looks even more elegant with various complete equipment. Moreover, the addition of a granite kitchen island adds to the comfort of cooking in the kitchen.

The following is's portrait of Tiko's kitchen, Mrs. Eny's son , which was collected by from Tiko's YouTube, Thursday (28/3).

1. Apart from electricity and water, Eny and Tiko's mother's house is now filled with several household items.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

2. Not only in the living room, the kitchen is now even more comfortable after the renovation.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

3. The kitchen is now even more complete with various household furniture. The appearance is also more aesthetic.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

4. Tiko also arranges his things quite neatly. He placed various cooking spices on the shelf next to the kitchen island.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

5. Apart from being equipped with an oven, Tiko apparently has a cafe-style coffee machine.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

6. The appearance of the kitchen, which is increasingly cool and aesthetic with various household furniture, is much different from the previous appearance.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

7. Plus a kitchen island made of granite which adds even more comfort to cooking in the kitchen.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

8. He also added a cupboard in one corner in a brown shade that matched the kitchen area.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

9. Tiko's kitchen is now even cleaner and more complete with various snacks which he places on a small shelf.

Tiko's new kitchen  2024

Tiko's new kitchen

Tiko's patience paid off

Some time ago, a story about a child named Tiko went viral on social media who lived alone looking after his mother, Eny. Tiko has cared for his mother, who has had mental disorders since she was 12 years old, in the big house left by her father.

However, the house looked uninhabitable because it was dirty, full of dust, and covered in shady trees. Moreover, the house where Tiko and his mother live has no electricity or water.

After going viral on social media, many people helped Tiko. Not only adding electricity and water, some people also clean up wild plants in their homes. Now, Tiko's residence is even more beautiful and more comfortable to live in.
