This 6th grade elementary school student was jealous because the teacher sent a chat to the sports teacher who was his idol.

  1 Juni 2024 13:00 - Being an elementary school (SD) teacher is not just about providing lesson material, but also requires special tricks to make the learning atmosphere more enjoyable. There is nothing wrong if elementary school teachers are closer to their students. In fact, it often becomes a place for students to tell stories.

However, the closeness of teachers with their students sometimes goes too far. Not a few students actually treat the teacher like a friend of the same age because they feel so close to them. The same thing was experienced by the owner of the TikTok account @idknocknock.

Uploading a carousel post, this female teacher shows several screenshots of the contents of her conversation with one of her students who is still in grade 6 of elementary school. Instead of a conversation containing questions and answers about the lesson, the student actually attacked the teacher because he was jealous.

" Life is so tired that it gets hit by its own students, " said the video uploader, reported by from TikTok @idknocknock on Saturday (1/6).

The uploader of the video, named Aulia, revealed that her students interpret their closeness to one of the teachers at their school differently, who is known to be a sports teacher. This makes students jealous if their idol teacher is close to another teacher.

The story of a teacher being hit by an elementary school student because of jealousy  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@idknocknock

" Mrs. Aulia likes Mr. **** too. The answer must be honest. You can't lie. I saw Ms. Aulia open her chat. The chat is really exciting. Let's be honest, ma'am, no need to lie, " messaged one of her students via WhatsApp.

Aulia was confused about getting chats from her students. Remembering, he felt that he didn't like one of the teachers who was his students' idol. He also admitted that chatting with his students' idol teacher was only limited to work.

" Well, Ms. Aulia chatted with Mr. (name censored) first, that doesn't mean that Ms. Aulia replied that she liked it. Isn't it permissible for Ms. Aulia to chat with an elementary school teacher? " Aulia replied to her students.

Feeling that he couldn't believe his teacher's confession, the student immediately made a story on his WhatsApp. In his upload, the student said that his teacher lied to him.

The story of a teacher being hit by an elementary school student because of jealousy  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@idknocknock

" In fact, I've never chatted first. I've never chatted first before, " said the student.

Seeing the student's upload, Aulia also proved that what she said was true. Via WhatsApp message, he also sent proof of screenshots of chats with his student's idol teacher. Unfortunately, the student still doesn't believe it.

The story of a teacher being hit by an elementary school student because of jealousy  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@idknocknock

" W sent the message straight away, proof that W was the one who chatted first. Still don't believe it?!! This really makes me emotional ," explained the teacher.

Even though he didn't believe it, apparently the student was confused by the chat evidence sent by his teacher. Uploading another story, the student admitted that he apologized and had high hopes for his idol teacher.

The story of a teacher being hit by an elementary school student because of jealousy  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@idknocknock

" If you really like me, tell me how you feel, if you don't like it, I'm sorry I was too much with you, I'm really sorry, I hope you're sorry, " wrote the student.

The upload of her student's story made Aulia unable to stop thinking. Feeling that he had gone too far, he gave a screenshot of the student's story to the sports teacher. It was revealed that the sports teacher who was the student's idol seemed shocked by the incident. He felt that he did not give hope to his students.

The story of a teacher being hit by an elementary school student because of jealousy  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@idknocknock

" Masyaallah, how come the students don't understand it like that, ma'am. You don't have to think about it, ma'am. Oh my goodness... children nowadays, masyaallah, think that, ma'am. I just found out ," he explained.

Suddenly Aulia's upload went viral on social media . Uploaded on TikTok, the post has been watched more than 2.1 million times and immediately received lots of comments from netizens. Not a few people rub their chests with the behavior of today's elementary school children.

" How come elementary school children are like GT, " said @capekbgtgila.

" HAHHH, it's better to let your parents know. If it's like that, you need parental supervision," added @ifavorit.

" Ma'am, just tell the homeroom teacher + his parents, so that they also know that this is another child in times like this, so that they can be educated again ," said @vousmevoyezn.
