School assignment reports are assignments given by teaching staff so that students can understand the material more deeply

  17 Maret 2024 05:00 - When gaining knowledge in the classroom, of course the teacher will give you the various knowledge and training you need. Various methods are used to boost students' understanding so that they master the material being taught. Apart from teaching, teachers also often give notes or assignments to students to do at home. The purpose of giving assignments or homework (PR) is so that students can continue learning even though they are not at school.

So that you can easily carry out various assignments from teachers, you need to understand well the meaning of school assignments and also know examples of good and correct school assignments. Basically, you can ask for examples of school assignment reports directly from the teacher teaching the lesson. However, in certain situations, you are required to work on the report by a predetermined deadline. Therefore, we will try to explain what the meaning of a school assignment report is, along with examples of school assignments.

No need to wait any longer, please read this article until the end. The following is an example of a school assignment report complete with the meaning and steps for making it. As reported by from various sources, Friday (15/3).

Understanding school assignment reports

example of school assignment report  various sources


The definition of a school assignment report is an assignment given by teaching staff so that students learn more deeply about a lesson outside of school hours. For example, the school assignment report "Observing the growth of green beans". Here the teachers ask you to carefully observe and study how green beans grow from time to time.

Everything that happens in the process of growing green beans will be made into an assignment report which will later be submitted to teachers at school. The results of the school assignment report can be used as material for the teacher's assessment in assessing the extent of your ability to follow teaching at school or outside school. Usually, several points that need to be included in a school assignment report are as follows:

- Task title

- Student's name

- Class/Department

- Implementation date

- Introduction and background

- Research purposes

- Research methods

- Results and Discussion

- Conclusion

- Library sources

Example of a school assignment report

example of school assignment report  various sources


School Assignment Report

Assignment Title: The Effect of Global Warming on Marine Life

Student Name: (Your name)

Class: (Your class)

Implementation date: (Report Writing Date)

Introduction and background:

Global warming has become a hot topic discussed in various parts of the world. This phenomenon not only affects land, but also has a significant impact on life in the ocean. This assignment aims to explore the influence of global warming on marine life.

Research purposes:

- Understand the concept of global warming.

- Analyze the impact of global warming on marine ecosystems.

- Discuss steps that can be taken to reduce the negative impact of global warming on the ocean.

Research methods:

The author used online resources, reference books, and scientific journals to gather information about global warming and its impact on marine life. Data and information are then arranged systematically to compile this report.

Results and Discussion:

Global warming causes an increase in sea water temperatures, which impacts various aspects of marine life. One of the most visible impacts is coral bleaching, which threatens the sustainability of coral reef ecosystems. In addition, changes in sea water temperature can also affect the migration of marine species, breeding patterns and food availability.


(List of sources used in writing the report)

Closing remarks:

This is how this assignment report is prepared. The hope is that this report can provide a better understanding of the impact of global warming on marine life and the importance of action to protect the marine environment.

Steps for making a school assignment report.

example of school assignment report  various sources


Here are the steps, including:

1. Understand the tasks given well.

2. Identify and look for trusted sources.

3. Carry out careful research and observations.

4. Write the report according to the correct writing format.

5. Do a crosscheck or correction before sending.

That is an example of a school assignment report complete with the meaning and steps for making it. The hope is that you will no longer feel confused about the steps and examples of how to make a good and correct school assignment report. It is also recommended that you ask for direction from the teacher regarding the steps or methods for making the school assignment report. If you follow all the instructions in the assignment, your potential for getting good grades will be greater. Hopefully this information is useful, OK!

(intern/Zidan Fajri)
