foto: TikTok/@rahmatwahyudi884

What's the motivation for trying something like this?

  5 Februari 2024 18:43 - In the rainy season, flooding is inevitable for several places. Whether due to a lack of water absorption or because the rainfall is too high, people who live in flood-prone areas must be forced to accept this situation. In fact, at some point, they adapt to it.

Residents' actions in adapting to the flood situation can certainly be found on social media. For example, there are people who continue with their wedding even though the venue is flooded. There are also those who travel by boat from one point to another. And there are still many examples that are endless.

One more example can be seen on the TikTok account @rahmatwahyudi884. Through a video uploaded on Monday (5/2), in the video, the uploader shows the actions of a car driver in the midst of quite high flood waters.

Car driver rides through flood waters  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@rahmatwahyudi884

Instead of avoiding the flood, the car was determined to crash into the flood. The flood was so high that it reached the car door. In fact, the flood water got into the car. This can be seen from the actions of the occupants inside who tried to remove the water in the car with a bucket outside the car.

Which even more hilarious, the people in the car were just smiling. Maybe it was a kind of ironic smile because he felt that what he did would end up being in vain. Seeing that, the uploader couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Draining the car in the flood, he said in the caption, as reported by on Monday (5/2).

Car driver crashes through flood  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@rahmatwahyudi884

However, it's a good idea not to drive by car if the water is high enough. The reason is, this is very risky. Moreover, if water enters the engine and electrical system in the car. If that's the case, the repair costs will definitely not be small.

Car driver crashes through flood  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@rahmatwahyudi884< /p>

As a result, the video went viral on TikTok. Until this article was written, the video had been watched 654.7 thousand times, liked 8247 times, and commented on 605 times. Some of the comments were written as follows.

Sometimes we Indonesians, looking for happiness is simple, okay," said the account @riduansyahiwan241179.

Salute ma'am who makes boats/ships that are very similar to cars," wrote the account @bundawengga.

It's really possible to use this much power in a car," commented @khaniisalahtifa account.

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