
Many generation Z people use the meaning of the word tantrum when they see someone's behavior that is excessive or not as usual.

  23 April 2024 23:23 - The term tantrum has often been thrown around in cyberspace lately. The word tantrum used to only refer to small children expressing their emotions in various ways, from crying loudly to rolling on the floor.

As time goes by, tantrums are now not only used by small children. Adults who express emotions in various ways are also often called tantrums. Like what Lolly got yesterday from netizen comments while she was live on TikTok.

But what does the word tantrum actually mean? If you look at the pattern, tantrums are a behavior that often occurs in children, especially generation Z children who are currently developing. The characteristics of this tantrum are clearly visible in their behavioral patterns when they experience failure or are dissatisfied with something.

Currently, many generation Z people use the word tantrum when they see someone's behavior that is excessive or not as usual. If you are still curious about the meaning of the word tantrum in slang, this time has summarized from various sources the meaning of the word tantrum in slang , complete with the meaning and how to handle it, Tuesday (23/4).

Understanding tantrums according to medicine and generation Z.

The meaning of the word tantrum in slang  Freepik


Tantrums, according to the medical definition, are strong emotional reactions that occur in children or babies which are often accompanied by challenging behavior and dramatic scenes. Usually, tantrums occur when a child cannot fulfill his desires or when he feels frustrated, tired, or hungry. The child may scream, cry, scream, throw themselves on the floor, or engage in destructive behavior.

However, according to generation Z children, tantrums have a slightly different meaning. In generation Z slang, tantrum describes a situation when someone acts excessively or appears with excessive drama in expressing emotions or dissatisfaction. Generation Z often uses this word to describe the behavior of people who express their anger excessively, such as getting angry, clenching their fists, and shouting for no apparent reason.

For generation Z children, tantrums can also refer to dramatic attitudes or events that attract attention in everyday life, such as situations in their favorite dramas, films or television shows that are full of emotional scenes. They use this word in a relaxed and positive way, to describe an intense and unusual reaction to something.

General characteristics of tantrums

The meaning of the word tantrum in slang  Freepik


People who are experiencing tantrums tend to be difficult to communicate with. They often show a stubborn attitude and are reluctant to listen to explanations from other people. Therefore, you must understand what the characteristics of tantrum behavior are in children.

The following are the general characteristics of tantrums:

1. Tantrums occur when someone doesn't get what they want.

Tantrums often occur when someone doesn't get what they want. This is a common phenomenon that can happen to anyone, including generation Z children. In slang, especially those from this generation, tantrum can refer to behavior that expresses disappointment or dissatisfaction in a dramatic way.

In this fast-paced modern world, where information can be accessed easily and desires can be fulfilled quickly, generation Z children have grown up with high expectations. However, when they are faced with the reality that their desires will not be fulfilled immediately, tantrums emerge as a natural response.

2. Tantrums are usually accompanied by crying, screaming, and other aggressive behavior.

If you have ever seen a child screaming in a toy shop because he was not given the toy he wanted, then that is a small example of what could be categorized as a tantrum. However, this does not rule out the possibility of occurring in adults too.

When referring to the slang of Gen Z children, crying, screaming and aggressive behavior are often directed at people whose behavior they think is excessive and unnatural, when they can't get something they want. Have you ever met someone who has these characteristics?

3. Tantrums can be experienced by children and adults.

In this rapid development era, the word tantrum has penetrated the slang of generation Z children. They also use this word to describe the behavior of adults who show childish attitudes, are temperamental, and often over-express their emotions.

There are so many pressures and demands faced by children and adults in this modern era. Starting from academic pressure, social media demands, to excessive work stress. All of this can contribute to the emergence of tantrum behavior in both children and adults.

Tantrums in children are often seen as a form of their inability to manage their emotions well. Meanwhile, tantrums in adults can be a sign of problems in problem solving and a lack of effective communication skills.

How to handle tantrum behavior

The meaning of the word tantrum in slang  Freepik


When dealing with this behavior, it is important to remain calm and not get carried away when your child is having a tantrum. Maintaining calm is the key to helping children control their emotions. Don't take part in disputes and avoid using physical violence as a way to resolve them. Try to deal with your child attentively and try to understand his feelings or desires.

Invite children to speak calmly and lovingly. Let them understand that their angry behavior is unacceptable, but that you understand that they are experiencing strong emotions. Give them the opportunity to express their feelings or needs with real words, not with tantrums.

Additionally, providing an understanding of emotions and helping children in the development of emotion regulation skills is also very important. Teach them how to breathe deeply or count to ten when they feel angry. Apart from that, give praise and appreciation when your child can control his emotions well or express his feelings in a better way.

Lastly, create a supportive environment for children. Make sure they get enough rest, healthy food, and a regular daily routine. A stable and organized environment will help children feel safer and control their emotions better.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.