- Four female scientists in Indonesia have been recognized for their incredible innovations by the LOreal Indonesia Fellowship for Women in Science 2015. As part of their achievements, those four researchers were granted research funds of Rp. 80 million each! Heres a closer look at who they are and their remarkable research objectives.
1. Anawati
Research topic: Fabrication of Anodic Alumina Oxide (AAO) Membrant Applied on Ready to Drink Filter in Sumbawa
Anawati from Sumbawa University of Technology (SUT) created a portable water purifier to tackle water problems on Sumbawa Island. Due to a lack of accessibility to obtain hygienic water in that region, Anawati felt that is was important to provide an affordable solution to the people. Anawati had conducted a similar research while she was in Japan, and applied her knowledge to devise the water purifier that comprises of several chemical steps. It turned out to be a very practical solution as people can simply fill water bottles with fresh water without any hassle to purify it further.
2. Sastia Prama Putri
Research topic: Establishment of quality evaluation standard and authentication method of Kopi Luwak and various Indonesian specialty coffees by gas chromatography-based metabolomics
Sastia was recognized for developing an authentication system to test the originality of Indonesian coffee, specifically kopi luwak. Her research encompasses the metabolomics technology, a system that screens and evaluates coffee authenticity. Sastia believes that the research would be key in growing coffee exports. She is also a lecturer at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and an assistant professor at Osaka University, Japan.
3. Aluicia Anita Artarini
Research topic: Development of Reporting System with Colorimetric to Screen Candidate of Polymerize Influenza Virus
Aluicia conducted a research to screen a new anti-influenza virus. She claims that it would take up a considerable period of time before a new drug is discovered. For now, herbal medicines can be used as a short-term alternative.
4. Kiky Corneliasari Sembiring
Research topic: Heterogeneous Catalysts NiOCuOMg-Al in the Hydrogen production process of biodiesel waste for renewable application
Kikys research aims to determine whether hydrogen can be used as an alternative to carbon dioxide as a fuel for transportation. She believes that hydrogen would be a more economical and eco-friendly form of renewable energy as it causes less air pollution.
Lets keep supporting them in their amazing efforts and research initiatives which help our community!
(Reported by: Sahil Nathani)