
He often wants to know where his girlfriend is at all times, and panics if he doesn't get a reply to his messages immediately.

  3 Mei 2024 19:40 - When you are in a relationship with someone you will definitely feel happy, like the world belongs to both of you. That is if the relationship runs healthily. The reason is, there are quite a few who are in a relationship with a great sense of obsession because of their love. Instead of making a love story beautiful, it turns into a nightmare.

As did this 18 year old woman. Reported by from on Saturday (4/4), this woman named Xiaoyu carried out extreme actions against her partner during their relationship. In fact, because of this action, he was diagnosed with a rare condition.

This woman from China is very obsessed with her partner. Because his desire for possession is quite strong, he often does rude things to his girlfriend, such as calling his girlfriend 100 times a day and always monitoring his girlfriend's position.

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The girl began exhibiting disruptive behavior in her first year of college. At that time, she started a relationship with a man whose name was not revealed. According to Dr. Du Na of Chengdu Fourth People's Hospital, Xiaoyu quickly becomes unnaturally obsessed with her boyfriend.

He often wants to know where his girlfriend is at all times, and panics if he doesn't get a reply to his messages immediately. Although it sounds like extreme controlling behavior, doctors state that Xiaoyu suffers from a rare mental disorder called Love Brain.

He is expected to reply to the message soon, said Dr. Du.

Not only did she feel panic, Xiaoyu also took extreme action when she didn't get an answer from her lover. Xiaoyu was once very angry and destroyed things in the apartment just because her boyfriend didn't reply to her messages.

When her boyfriend returned to the apartment, Xiaoyu even threatened to jump from the balcony. Seeing Xiaoyu's reckless actions, her lover immediately called the police for help. Xiaoyu was eventually detained and later hospitalized.

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According to Doctor Du Na, people who experience a mild form of "Love Brain" can usually recover and live a normal life by controlling their emotions. However, in severe cases like Xiaoyu's, medical treatment is necessary. This mental disorder usually occurs in those who had an unhealthy relationship with their parents while growing up.

Xiaoyu's story went viral on Chinese social media and sparked heated debate about mental health and the stigma around it, as well as the true causes of controlling behavior in romantic relationships. This is a special concern for people when entering into a relationship so that it remains healthy without harming themselves and their partner.

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