
Kolas or draw lottery is a game that uses lottery numbers to get items or prizes.

  17 Juni 2024 09:45

Brilio.net - Many people conceptualize their wedding party as unique as possible. From the start of the stage design there was an 'underpass' gap. Wear eccentric clothes for the ceremony, wedding wedding designs, and even choose souvenirs that are anti-mainstream .

It's also called a once-in-a-lifetime special moment, it's natural that everyone wants their event concept to be different from the others. One of them was also carried out at a wedding party which has recently gone viral.

Reported by brilio.net from the TikTok account @mbegidak2, Sunday (16/6), the owner of this account shared a video showing an unusual moment at a bride and groom's wedding party.

lottery wedding souvenirs  2024 TikTok

Lottery wedding souvenirs with prizes
2024 TikTok/@mbegidak2

In the video shown, the account owner happened to be an invited guest at the celebration. Like invited guests in general, he approached the aisle to shake hands with the bride and groom, take photos and capture several moments via video recording.

So, what's different about this event is that the invited guests get souvenirs in a unique way. If usually souvenirs are distributed at the tables of invited guests, at this wedding souvenirs were taken using a lottery or lottery draw system. Just like the toy boy in elementary school.

lottery wedding souvenirs  2024 TikTok

Lottery wedding souvenirs with prizes
2024 TikTok/@mbegidak2

"You can get souvenirs at the wedding. You can get KOLAS (lottery) at the wedding," wrote the account owner in the caption.

Each invited guest will receive a lottery number when they arrive at the location. At the end, after they have enjoyed the meal and shake hands with the bride and groom at the altar, they will approach the souvenir booth guarded by the committee.

lottery wedding souvenirs  2024 TikTok

Lottery wedding souvenirs with prizes
2024 TikTok/@mbegidak2

The invited guests will exchange the numbers and match them to the drawing board as shown in the video. Each number turns out to have a different souvenir. Some got key chains, umbrellas, and even electronic equipment such as hair dryers.

Seeing this unique wedding moment, netizens also enlivened it by writing various reactions in the comments column. One of them said that souvenirs using kolas or lottery draws were like inviting invited guests to reminisce about their childhood.

lottery wedding souvenirs  2024 TikTok

Lottery wedding souvenirs with prizes
2024 TikTok/@mbegidak2

"Oh my God, I haven't heard the word "kolas" (lottery) for a long time," wrote the account owner @akunku.79.

"What is kolas, sis?" asked the account @anandartaeff.

"Kolas means lottery. When I was little, I bought kolas candy, there was a prize number on the candy. The prizes could be small cars, snacks or balloons," explained the account @akunku.79.

"One of the most exciting joys is remembering childhood. So the wedding uses kolas so you can remember childhood," wrote the account @intanputriii29.

"Inspirational. When I got married, I also wanted to make something like this and have colorful chickens," said the account @kabel_pedot.

@mbegidak2 Go to the wedding and get souvenirs. Go to the invitation and get KOLAS #longervideos #kondangan souvenirs original sound - mbegidak
