foto: Instagram/@mimi.julid

Instead of the takbir that should have been played, this group of youths were actually playing the DJ's music loudly. Many were annoyed by their actions.

  17 Juni 2024 14:20 - Usually, on the night before Eid, both Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha , Indonesian people will celebrate takbiran. This moment was filled with a parade around the village or city using pickup cars or trucks. The car will be decorated in such a way that it looks attractive. Apart from that, there are also loudspeakers for people to use for takbir

Like what was done by a group of young people who recently went viral on social media. They were seen driving around in cars decorated with flashing lights. However, there was an unexpected incident when the young people were enjoying the music. The incident occurred in Sibolga City, North Sumatra, Sunday (16/6).

Takbir goes around setting DJ music  Instagram

Takbir goes around setting DJ music

Seen in a video, the young man who was walking around did not appear to be saying the takbiran as usual. They instead loudly played DJ music. So, the people at the top were dancing while jumping in the car.

While they were enthusiastic about doing this scene, they actually experienced bad luck. The decoration on the car suddenly fell while it was running. As a result, the young man who was playing the DJ while dancing fell onto the street.

Takbir goes around setting DJ music  Instagram

Takbir goes around setting DJ music

"But unfortunately, when the decorative car turned a corner, a number of teenagers fell while dancing," wrote the account @mimi.julid, quoted from on Monday (17/6).

Luckily, the car was moving slowly. So it looks like the young man who fell can still stand up. However, the decoration on the car was destroyed.

Takbir goes around setting DJ music  Instagram

Takbir goes around setting DJ music

Several sources said that the incident on the night of Eid al-Adha was confirmed by the Sibolga Police Head of Traffic, AKP Muhammad Joni. He said that the young man was on a parade and wanted to return to the gathering point. Seen in the video, the police who were on duty and at the scene immediately tried to help the victim. Fortunately, no one suffered serious injuries. Only a few people had abrasions.

It can be heard from the video that many people cursed at this incident. This was suspected to be due to his annoyance because the young man was actually playing the DJ loudly, when the takbir should have been sung. However, a group of young men actually looked very stylish on top of the truss. It's not surprising that many people say that they are affected by karma.

Takbir goes around setting DJ music  Instagram

Takbir goes around setting DJ music

"I don't regret laughing at other people's suffering," said the account @dissyaaulia.

"I'm confused about what to say. Astagfirullah, thank God. Paid in cash by Allah," wrote the account @viviealrizky

"Thank God, according to BMKG estimates," said the account @igobbie

"Is this paid in cash or not? Where's the front of the police? The police are really falling," commented the account @ratufika.

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