
Lack of sleep can reduce employee performance at the office

  8 Maret 2024 07:25

Brilio.net - For those of you who are office workers, you often feel tired eyes due to lack of sleep, which causes drowsiness. This is normal, because it could be that piling up work activities and lack of rest can make your eyes heavy when you are in the office. Not only that, working continuously in front of a computer can cause eyes to become tired, sore and tired.

In fact, sleep has a big influence on employee productivity. In a journal written by June JP and Drew MM with the title "Sleep and Organizational Behavior: Implications for Workplace Productivity and Safety, it is said that lack of sleep can reduce employee performance. This can also increase the risk of accidents and injuries. So the journal emphasizes the importance of quality sleep .

This experience was felt by the woman in the TikTok video posted by the account @lizalee88. Brilio.net reported from this account that drowsiness attacks during working hours, this woman has a unique and unthinkable way to anticipate this.

sleeping at work  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lizalee888

It's Liza, an office worker who has a brilliant idea to get rid of her sleepiness at the office. Actually, sleeping in the office is fine as long as you do it during break times. And try not to interfere with work at all. The idea of being able to sleep during breaks was shared via his TikTok account. He was seen carrying sleeping equipment to make a makeshift mattress.

Liza prepared a blanket to use as a sleeping mat. Apart from that, there is a pillow so that the head doesn't hurt and is comfortable. Liza spread a blanket under her desk, as well as a long blue pillow placed in the corner. This woman also prepared a white cloth which would later be used as a curtain by attaching it to the table using a double tip.

The function of the white cloth is to cover the bed so that it cannot be seen by people around. The emergency mattress that Liza made at first glance is similar to a small child's playhouse. Of course, this can only be imitated if you have a large table like in the video.

sleeping at work  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lizalee888

The atmosphere inside is dark and cold so it is very comfortable for sleeping. Thanks to the wide space under the table, Liza can sleep while stretching her legs. After his break was over, he repacked his sleeping equipment and kept it under the table so that he could put it on whenever he wanted to use it.

The video went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. They commented that they also wanted to sleep in the office like in the video. However, they are afraid that they will sleep too late until 10 pm when the other employees have gone home.

sleeping at work  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lizalee888

"I once slept in the toilet but looked for it for 2 hours, thought I was dead inside," wrote the account @beruangcokelat

"I once slept on the office sofa, woke up at 10 pm," said the account @liessaturday

"When I was still working in my office, it was like this during the fasting month," said the account @windyauliaaaaa

"If my office doesn't have a carpet, it gets dirty underneath, you have to mop it first if you want to sleep," wrote the account @butterfly1310.

sleeping at work  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@lizalee888

From the time the video was posted until this article was written, the @lizalee88 account has gathered 3.5 million views. Apart from that, there were also 172,500 accounts that gave likes and 4,530 comments.

Watch on TikTok
