The broadcast only shows the face of the eccentric actor as he watches his whole catalog of films for 3 days straight

  12 November 2015 13:35 - How much more peculiar can anyone get?

In the case of actor Shia LaBeouf, he's topped his recent "Just Do It!" video with a mind-boggling live stream project for three days dubbed #ALLMYMOVIES

The best part? The broadcast only shows an often befuddled, bored, and disinterested Shia LaBeouf watching his own films in reverse chronological order.

He started the feat by inviting everyone over to the Angelika Film Center in New York. The website of the livestream stated that "visitors are invited to join Shia LaBeouf in person as he watches all his movies consecutively in reverse chronological order over the next three days, 24 hours a day (admission free)."

The project explored all of LaBeouf's filmography starting from the most recent films such as Nymphomaniac and Fury, to his almost forgotten works such as Breakfast with Einstein and Hounded.

If you're quick enough you can catch the broadcast before it ends here.
