Many vehicles do not immediately move aside and clear the way for an ambulance car to pass by.

  20 Oktober 2015 14:00 - An ambulance driver is a profession often underestimated by most people. Although they might think that it is only a job as a driver, but in reality this profession has a big responsibility.

One of the examples is the story of Anto Rudiono (29). Though he has just worked as an ambulance driver in Jogjakarta International Hospital (JIH), Yogyakarta for three years, he has experienced plenty of ups and downs there.

According to Anto, people always relate his profession to mystical things, while in fact, it is not always as it seems. Being an ambulance driver doesnt mean that you are only transporting dead bodies, but also transporting sick or injured people.

The hardest part of being an ambulance driver is not transporting a dead body, but transporting the critical patients. We will not be hurried by a person who has already died, but a critical patient has a zero tolerance for lateness because it can be very fatal, explained Anto to after the Emergency Network Traffic Reactivation for Sectorial of Yogyakarta event, Tuesday (18/8).

Transporting a critical patient, the hardest duty of ambulance drivers

A guilty feeling often comes to him and it doesnt only come once or twice. Anto said that some of his patients died on the way to the hospital because their conditions were too severe. Although no one blamed him, but there is always unwanted guilt in his heart.

Sometimes, traffic congestion becomes our problem. Im often really annoyed because many vehicles do not immediately move aside and clear the way for an ambulance car to pass by, said Anto.

Anto and his partners at the JIH ambulance fleet also said that some of them could not sleep for three days after seeing and carrying the body of a truck crash victim whose body and face has been destroyed.

In addition, they often suddenly become a psychologist because they have to help the patients families to relieve their grief by calming the crying family members down. They always have to be able to empathize and symphathize. Although his job does not always deal with mystical things, Anto said that he has experienced a few spooky things.

Ive never seen a ghost directly, but there were some simple things like a cloth used to cover a dead body that was suddenly unfolded or things in the ambulance which suddenly moved, said Anto.

However, Anto also often feel glad when he manages to transport a patient in time. Families of patients often give him a tip, but saving someones life is more important to Anto.