
Fasting on the day of Arafah can wipe out the sins committed one year before and one year to come.

  12 Juni 2024 21:23 - In the run-up to Eid al-Adha, it is recommended to increase worship, one of which is fasting Arafah. This worship is performed the day before the Eid al-Adha celebration on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah. Fasting Arafah is an opportunity for Muslims to get closer to Allah SWT by doing the recommended worship.

In addition, the Arafah fast is also a way for Muslims who cannot perform the Hajj to imitate and feel part of the spiritual experience of the pilgrims on Mount Arafah. By fasting, Muslims all over the world can feel the simplicity, piety, and togetherness that is felt so strongly in the midst of the crowd in Arafah.

Fasting Arafah can also erase the sins of one year before and one year to come. This is based on the words of the Prophet SAW who stated that the fast of Arafah is a very blessed practice and can remove sins with the full mercy of Allah SWT. As for the hadith that explains the fasting of Arafah as follows:

How to fast arafah

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"The fast of Arafah (9 Dzulhijjah) can erase the sins of the past year and the next year. The fast of Ashura (10 Muharram) will erase the sins of the past year." (HR Muslim)

Well, the fasting of Arafah is very important for every Muslim. If you want to observe the fasting of Arafah, here are the procedures for fasting Arafah, complete with intentions, priorities, and implementation schedule that has compiled from various sources, Wednesday (12/6).

Arafah fasting procedures.

How to fast arafah


Performing the fast of Arafah is similar to other fasts in Islam. Every Muslim must refrain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk, and avoid things that can invalidate or reduce the reward of fasting.

The difference between Arafah fasting and other fasting is the intention that is pronounced. The intention of the Arafah fast is as follows:

How to fast arafah

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"Nawaitu shauma arafata sunnatan lillahi ta'ala"


"I intend to fast the sunnah of Arafah for the sake of Allah Almighty."

The priority of Arafah fasting.

How to fast arafah


The priority of Arafah fasting is one of the most emphasized practices in Islam. As for the merits of Arafah fasting, as follows:

1. Eliminate sin.

Fasting Arafah has an extraordinary privilege in erasing the sins of every Muslim. Rasulullah Muhammad SAW stated that fasting on the day of Arafah can erase the sins that have been committed one year before and one year to come. This is a great gift from Allah SWT to His people as a form of His wide mercy. By fasting Arafah, Muslims are given the opportunity to cleanse themselves of the sins that have occurred in the past and seize a new opportunity to start over with a clean and bright heart.

The priority of erasing sins through the fasting of Arafah shows the generosity and generosity of Allah SWT towards His pious and worshipful servants. This fast also shows that Allah SWT gives His people the opportunity to improve themselves and obtain His forgiveness in various ways, including through sincere acts of worship such as the fast of Arafah. Therefore, making the fasting of Arafah as part of the annual worship of Muslims is not only a religious obligation, but also a means to obtain the forgiveness and mercy of Allah SWT and increase spirituality and piety.

2. Great reward.

Fasting Arafah has a great reward in Islam because it is one of the practices highly recommended and blessed by Allah SWT. Rasulullah Muhammad SAW has mentioned that Allah SWT gives an extraordinary reward to those who fast on the day of Arafat. This reward is not only in the form of forgiveness of past and future sins, but is also a reward that flows rapidly as a reward for a person's obedience and steadfastness in fasting on the day of Arafah.

3. Getting closer to Allah SWT.

Fasting Arafah is a very good way to get closer to Allah SWT. In a state of solemnity and full of awareness of His greatness, Muslims fast and pray to obtain His mercy.

4. Imitating the practices of pilgrims fasting Hajj.

Fasting Arafah provides an opportunity for Muslims who do not perform Hajj to imitate the practices of pilgrims on Mount Arafah. This is a way to feel part of the spiritual experience.

5. Opportunity of answered prayer.

The day of Arafah is one of the ten best days in Islam, and fasting on this day provides a great opportunity for Muslims to obtain blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT. Apart from the great reward obtained from fasting, the day of Arafah is also a very special time to pray. Rasulullah Muhammad SAW stated that prayers offered on the day of Arafah have a great chance of being answered by Allah SWT.
