
PAFI Probolinggo Branch is an organization committed to improving community welfare.

  26 Mei 2024 11:42 - In Indonesia, many professional associations are committed to society. One of them is the Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Experts or PAFI.

PAFI Probolinggo Branch is an organization committed to improving community welfare. They do this through various activities in the health and pharmaceutical sectors.

With the knowledge and expertise they have, pharmacists contribute greatly to providing education, health services and medical assistance to people in need.

Let's get to know PAFI Probolinggo Branch more closely and the activities they carry out to support the development of the pharmaceutical profession in the area.

Profile of the Probolinggo Branch of the Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Experts.

The Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Experts (PAFI) is an organization that brings together pharmaceutical experts throughout the archipelago. Founded on February 13 1946 in Yogyakarta, this organization was born from a spirit of togetherness and the desire to contribute to the country's development after independence.

PAFI Probolinggo branch is one of the branches of PAFI which has an important role in supporting the welfare of the community in the Probolinggo area. This organization consists of pharmacists who are dedicated to providing the best service in Probolinggo in the health and pharmaceutical fields.

Through various programs and activities, PAFI Probolinggo branch continues to strive to increase the knowledge and skills of its members and provide education to the community.

PAFI Probolinggo activities.

PAFI Probolinggo branch actively holds various activities aimed at increasing knowledge and community welfare. The following are some of the activities carried out by PAFI Probolinggo branch:

1. Education.

One of the main activities of the Probolinggo branch of PAFI is providing education to the community. An example is counseling on newborn care. In this activity, pharmacists provide important information about how to care for newborn babies properly and safely.

Apart from that, PAFI also often holds seminars and workshops aimed at increasing public knowledge about health and pharmacy.

2. Help.

Apart from education, PAFI Probolinggo branch is also active in providing assistance to people in need. The assistance provided is in the form of medicines, medical devices, or other assistance that can improve community welfare.

3. Social activities.

Apart from providing assistance, PAFI also participates in social activities such as blood donations and free health checks for the community.

PAFI Probolinggo branch understands that public health is the main priority. Therefore, they continue to innovate and strive to present programs that can provide great benefits to society.

Through collaboration with various parties, PAFI Probolinggo branch strives to reach more people and have a wider positive impact.

PAFI (Indonesian Pharmaceutical Experts Association) Probolinggo branch is an organization dedicated to improving community welfare through various activities in the health and pharmaceutical sectors. With a long history since 1946, PAFI continues to be committed to providing the best service and education that benefits the community.

Through various education and assistance programs, the Probolinggo branch of PAFI strives to make Probolinggo a healthy and prosperous area.

Let's support and participate in activities organized by PAFI for mutual welfare. So, to find out more about the Probolinggo branch of the Association of Indonesian Pharmacists, just visit the following page.
