
Even though he admits he's not an expert yet, his shots are almost perfect.

  16 September 2024 15:30 -

Every human being is born with talent and expertise in a certain field. This can be seen immediately, or can be honed first. However, it would be interesting if there were people who had shown extraordinary talents since childhood.

This is what was shown by the child who recently received a flood of attention on social media. Netizens were surprised by the interesting hobbies and abilities of a little girl. Still a child, she already has such extraordinary talent.

Armed with a camera in hand, he acted like a professional photographer. Together with one of his playmates, the two were seen several times capturing moments on a simple bridge.

Unexpectedly, the results of the shared photos are actually amazing. How could it not be, the results of the photos are so artistic like the results of a professional photographer's photos. reported from the Instagram account @kinanti.affandy, Monday (16/9), the extraordinary abilities of the little girl were recently shared by the account @sundanese.guy and re-shared on various platforms.

kinanti photographer grade 2 elementary school Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kinanti.affandy

In the upload, it was revealed that the girl in the red and white uniform was still in grade 2. She is none other than Kinanti. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Kinanti. I am in grade 2 of elementary school," as quoted from the caption of the upload.

Kinanti seems to show off her extraordinary skills in photography. Armed with a DSLR camera, Kinanti invited one of her playmates to be photographed in the Cirahong Bridge area, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java.

kinanti photographer grade 2 elementary school Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kinanti.affandy

Skillfully, Kinanti took several pictures of her friend posing on the wooden bridge. In fact, Kinanti seemed to be snapping her friend from various angles like a professional photographer.

This little girl managed to make the photo of her friend who was also still wearing a red and white uniform come alive like the work of a skilled photographer.

kinanti photographer 2nd grade elementary school Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kinanti.affandy

The 2nd grader admitted that he was happy when the people he photographed immediately smiled. "I like taking photos because I can take pictures of people. They like to smile when I take pictures of them," as quoted from the caption of the upload.

Even though he admits that he is not very good at it, who would have thought that the results would be so amazing.

kinanti photographer 2nd grade elementary school Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kinanti.affandy

Some basic to advanced skills of photographers seem to be mastered by Kinanti at her young age. From the uploads shared, it seems that none of Kinanti's works seem to fail. "This is the result. Sorry if it's not good," as quoted from the upload caption.

The post was then flooded with praise from netizens. Not a few expressed their admiration for the girl's snap.

kinanti photographer grade 2 elementary school Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kinanti.affandy

"This is cool. My father taught me how to take pictures using an SLR when I was in high school. Learning ISO, aperture speed, composition. You're already this advanced, even though you're in elementary school," praised @thy_pws.

"2nd grade elementary school but the photo composition is already good," said @harulwachid.

"Neng Geulis, nice to meet you, your photos are really cool," said @nanikfadjriah.
