His criticism was constructive, but instead he was teased about his ethics by the regent of South Lampung

  17 Mei 2024 11:24

Brilio.net - The action of a celebrity named Umu Hani who took a mud bath on the street at home in Lampung has become a hot topic of conversation. Why not, he took this action as a form of criticism for the slow handling of damaged roads by the South Lampung Regency Government.

Umm Hani not only wants to attract attention, but also wants to encourage local governments to immediately improve poor road infrastructure. He admitted that he was moved to voice criticism because he saw that many people were harmed by the damaged road conditions, such as motorists who often had accidents and local residents who had difficulty carrying out their activities.

Previously, Umu often posted photos or videos criticizing the damage to the road. He even quipped in a post and asked the heavens to send down a sensitive leader. Because, we have criticized several times, the roads in South Lampung have never been repaired.

His unique and brave actions attracted the attention of the public and media, both local, national and even international. Thanks to this action, Umm Hani also received the nickname "Queen of Broken Roads" from netizens.

The South Lampung Regency Government responded to this celebgram. However, instead of moving and accepting criticism, the regent thought that it was an action that only sought attention. Apart from that, the regent considered that it was very bad for women to do this.

"We shouldn't be doing things like that, let alone bathing in mud. Moreover, she's a woman. It's not pretty," he said.

However, Umu remains consistent in criticizing this road. Moreover, he has 209,000 followers.

Are you curious about Umu's beautiful pose when taking a mud bath on a damaged road? See a collection of photos below. Everything is collected by brilio.net. from Instagram @ummuhanii89 on Friday (17/5).

1. Sit wearing a fashionable appearance with black clothes. Ummu while carrying writing. The road is badly damaged

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

2. Due to the damage to the road, Umu believes that the economic growth of the people of South Lampung has slowed down.

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

3. Repeatedly expressing criticism, Umu suspected that the government was just pretending not to know.

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

4. In fact, Umu has been carrying out this action since 2021. He sat quietly while doing this on a wet dirt road

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

5. He even deliberately asked someone to pass by on a motorbike on the road which made the mud splash on his body.

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

6. With basically joking captions, Umm's aims and objectives are certainly not that joking

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

7. Not only muddy roads, Umm will also pose on roads with potholes. Especially if you have harmed other people.

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

8. Anyone would think that the book "An Art of Acting Absolutely Stupid" by Mark Manson which Umm is holding in this photo, is a satire on the government. How stupid they look at the streets in South Lampung.

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89

9. Umm even posed while riding a buffalo as if she wanted to plow the fields. It's as if the road is not worth walking through but instead has become an area for rice fields

beautiful pose taking a mud bath on the street  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ummuhanii89
