- Before being nominated as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election, the name Ganjar Pranowo was already known as the former Governor of Central Java. Apart from his position, Ganjar is known as a simple figure. Likewise, the house Ganjar lives in in his hometown.
This man, born in 1968, comes from Kutoarjo, Purworejo, Central Java. The house that Ganjar lived in when he was little is quite simple and even seems old school. Moreover, his residence is located in a narrow alley.
Apart from being narrow, the location between the houses is also approximately 2 meters, only one motorbike can pass and if you are facing each other you have to take turns. Are you curious about what the house looks like? The following is a summary by from Ganjar Pranowo's YouTube, Tuesday (13/2).
1. Unlike most other public figures , the road to Ganjar's house is not very wide.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
2. Usually, guest cars coming to Ganjar's house will be directed to park next to his house.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
3. Even though he is now known as an official, his childhood residence looks simple.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
4. The building is white with some of the interior made of wood, such as pillars, windows and doors which adds a classic impression.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
5. Apparently, this residence has its own memories because it has been occupied by Ganjar since he was in elementary school.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
6. Ganjar also said that his house was often used for meetings with village residents.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
7. Ganjar Pranowo is not ashamed to say that his house was not as good as it is now.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
8. Previously the roof was still bamboo. The partition uses plywood. In the past, it was said that it was a doctor's house, so there were partitions like a practice area. "We repaired it in installments, little by little, it became like this," he said.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
9. Uniquely, this residence also stores several old school items.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
10. One of them is an old-fashioned cupboard made of wood.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo
11. There are several doors that will take the occupants to another room, such as the bedroom.
Ganjar Pranowo's childhood residence
YouTube/Ganjar Pranowo