foto: TikTok/@dr.indratariagan

After four miscarriages, this fifth baby finally survived. The doctor also advised the mother to give her a good name.

  13 Februari 2024 07:30 - Many couples choose to get married to have children. So, this journey is often a journey full of struggle and also requires mental readiness. Moreover, this struggle is accompanied by demands from family and people around them.

There are many factors that cause couples not to have children. One of the main causes is reproductive health problems for both men and women. Other factors are hormonal disorders, ovulation problems, and other problems.

One of those who is struggling to have children is this family. A doctor shares the story of a family struggling to have a successful baby through the TikTok account @dr.inratariagan.

birth of fifth baby  TikTok

photo: TikTok/ @dr.indratarigan

The video shows a doctor holding a baby. The baby is wearing a yellow swaddle. It turned out that the person being carried was a child from the family he had just taken care of.

But what makes me emotional is that this child is the fifth child. His parents had been pregnant 5 times and 4 of them had miscarriages. However, the child being carried was born healthy and of course will bring happiness to the family.

birth of fifth baby  TikTok

photo: TikTok/ @dr.indratarigan

The doctor immediately took the baby to his mother. The mother's face looks tired after giving birth. Her tired face was also mixed with an expression of emotion after seeing the birth of her fifth child after experiencing 4 miscarriages.

The child was born male. The mother couldn't talk much. He only gave his son a kiss. At this moment the doctor advised the mother to give her a good name.

Next, the doctor took the baby to the father. You can see many families waiting outside. Expressions of annoyance, emotion, colored the entire room. The father also gave a kiss to the baby, who was named Muhammad Elgio.

birth of fifth baby  TikTok

photo: TikTok/ @dr.indratarigan

The sling moved to the midwife. The doctor asked the midwife to follow his father downstairs. Because the father wanted to perform ablution and immediately make azan for the child. Previously, each family member at the location was also invited to give a kiss.

This video also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many were quite moved by the struggle that took place. Apart from that, netizens also told their similar stories.

" The family doctor was waiting at the door. In fact, he was invited to mess around, " said the account @sitinurkhasanah71

" I miscarried twice. But until now I haven't gotten pregnant again. We pray for each other, second-line fighter friends, " wrote the account @gathrift05

" If I hadn't had a miscarriage last year, I would have taken care of 2 children, " said the account @maytadwee

" I'm touched, O Allah, I hope I can feel like a mother, amen, " commented the account @devisudjono.

birth of fifth baby  TikTok

photo: TikTok/ @dr.indratarigan

From the video being posted until this article was written, the @dr.inratarigan account has gathered 7.6 million views. Apart from that, there were also 476,800 accounts that gave likes and 4575 comments.


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