In the backyard of his house, Kris Dayanti has a swimming pool adjacent to the badminton court.

  22 Februari 2024 16:25 - Working as a diva who is also involved in the world of politics, Kris Dayanti's life is not far from glamorous and luxurious. Especially when it comes to appearance. But it's not just appearance, the word luxury is also reflected in the residence. Yes, as is known, this woman known as KD now lives in a luxury American style residence which is estimated to be worth IDR 40 billion.

The residence is equipped with various facilities , one of which is a badminton court and swimming pool. Through his Instagram page, KD often shows the facilities at his house in the backyard.

It looks comfortable, the back yard is also equipped with large rattan chairs for relaxing and green plants in various corners. The warm atmosphere is increasingly felt because this area is not only for sports but also for relaxing with your children and husband.

Come on, take a look at's summary from various sources on Thursday (22/2), a portrait of Kris Dayanti's backyard .

1. To get to Kris Dayanti's backyard, we have to go through the path.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

2. The backyard of Kris Dayanti's house looks spacious and is equipped with a swimming pool.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: YouTube/AH

3. Not only the swimming pool, in the backyard there is also a private badminton court which is no less spacious.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: YouTube/AH

4. Apart from that, there is also the addition of a daybed in black and cream which was purchased directly from Jepara, Central Java.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

5. There is also a large rattan chair. To get the curved rattan chair, Kris Dayanti had to wait 2.5 months.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: Instagram/@krisdayantilemos

6. Not only for OOTD photos, Krisdayanti also often spends time in this area to relax.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: Instagram/@krisdayantilemos

7. Plant decorations that make the area even more beautiful. Swag.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: Instagram/@krisdayantilemos

8. Portrait of Kris Dayanti practicing wushu next to her swimming pool. Apparently, there are iron chairs for relaxing.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources

photo: Instagram/@krisdayantilemos

9. Meanwhile, behind his house, KD added several chairs and tables for barbeques with his family.

Krisdayanti's backyard portrait  various sources


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.