Brilio.net - Nowadays, many people have difficulty getting a job even though they have a bachelor's degree. One of the main causes is the lack of relevant work experience, because many study programs do not provide significant practice or internship opportunities. In addition, the tight competition in the job market makes companies prefer candidates who have broader and more specific work experience.
Many graduates also face difficulties in adapting to the ever-evolving technology, so additional training is needed to improve digital skills. In some cases, companies also prefer candidates who have soft skills such as better communication, teamwork, and adaptation.
Therefore, it is important for graduates to build a strong professional network, improve soft skills, and consider additional training to increase their chances of getting a job in their field.
But there is another thing that is also glanced at, namely the campus where someone gets their education. Basically, the campus influences someone in looking for work. This can be assessed from accreditation, alumni networks and so on. A good campus reputation often provides an advantage in the job selection process, because many companies see academic prestige as an indicator of the quality of prospective employees.
The story of the difficulty of getting a job was felt by a woman, who shared her story via a TikTok upload posted by the account @drscmlia.
The woman named Dara is a graduate of the State Islamic University (UIN). Graduating from the campus made it difficult for her to get a job. The reason is when she wanted to apply for a job, it was discovered that her study program was not registered.
woman applies but her campus is not listed
Of course, that made Dara fail to get a job. Not only that, she also checked the name of her campus. The result was the same, her campus did not meet the specifications sought by the company.
"This is worse, the campus is not registered, I feel like my studies were a waste," he wrote as reported by brilio.net from TikTok @drscmlia on Tuesday (20/8).
Faced with the reality, Dara felt devastated. She admitted that she felt that her time in college was wasted. She couldn't even move campuses because she had already graduated.
Dara revealed that she tried to apply for Internships at two companies. Dara said it was natural for multinational companies to look at which campus the candidates graduated from. However, at that time she actually applied to a BUMN which turned out not to accept graduates from Constitutional Law like the one she took during college, while many vacancies were opened for Law.
woman applies but her campus is not listed
"Guys, my campus has just become UIN, it used to be IAIN, now I'm trying to register for BUMN INTERSHIP with Traveloka, well, maybe for multinational companies, they will see which campus you graduated from, for BUMN, on average, as far as I've tried to apply, they are at least law graduates, while I'm a constitutional law graduate," he continued.
Despite being faced with a difficult situation, Dara still struggles not to feel worried and convinces herself that there are still opportunities out there. She also doesn't want to compare herself to others because everyone has a different story.
"Don't worry and don't think too much, we have different times, we each have our own opportunities," said Dara.
woman applies but her campus is not listed
So far, she admitted that she had difficulty finding work, especially if the vacancy was in a government agency. Dara graduated from a lesser-known UIN campus. For her, the name of the campus can actually help someone get a job.
"But so far in my life journey, first of all, to struggle or work in a government agency is rather difficult and to be honest, I have never seen any job vacancy information in provincial or city education offices, if you are a UIN graduate from the PAI study program or a well-known UIN, then it is possible," he added.
This story then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many gave Dara encouragement in the comments column. Not a few also shared about the twists and turns in finding a job.
woman applies but her campus is not listed
"I'm from UIN, sis, after graduating I tried Magenta BUMN, thank God I passed, before finishing my internship, thank God I passed and became a worker there. No order, there must be a way," said the account @zharahafizha
"Let alone work, I just found out that UIN is not included in the independent campus program," wrote the account @himawarie3
"Don't be discouraged, friends who entered UIN. There is still a way. I graduated from UIN in 2023, now I am a civil servant candidate for MA. Many of my friends from the same batch have also been accepted to work in companies, even in banks," said the account @afifa.
"Sometimes I regret entering UIN, but I believe that it's impossible for God to bring you this far just to fail, and God's scenario never fails," commented the account @srenesymphony.