Even though I just wanted to ask~

  27 Mei 2024 04:46

Brilio.net - Every society in a country definitely has its own characteristics which are influenced by culture, history and the values they adhere to. Like Indonesia, apart from having local wisdom that has been passed down from generation to generation, its citizens also have behavior that is super different from other countries. These differences are reflected in daily life, social interactions and ways of facing challenges.

Well, there are many who show the characteristics of Indonesian people, especially in the family sphere. Like the tweets in the X application. In fact, there is no need to prove whether this is true or not because it happens so often around us.

Are you curious about its characteristics? Just look at citizen X's hilarious answer when asked about family in Indonesia. Everything is totally related. Compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Sunday (26/5).

1. I'm known for making small talk.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@lele_leale

2. Feeling bad, but every day I use the washing machine.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@vizarfadillah

3. Playing on your cellphone all the time makes you sick, right? So what's the correlation?

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@danangset7

4. Continue gas definition as long as it can be improved.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@kudasama_

5. Yes, that's what it's for anyway.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@kemaleko_

6. Tricks to avoid debt collectors.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@memotrie

7. After showing off, try this.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@zaaenaall

8. Even though the last time I drank ice was two weeks ago.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@Hellobayyy

9. Frequently hearing death announcements.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@fitreel

10. Until Merauke or not.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@dddddie___

11. Anyway, no one wants to admit it.

characteristics of Indonesian families from various sources

photo: X/@muhakbar_p
