ovo.id; freepik.com

Don't just borrow money from illegal applications

  6 Maret 2024 08:00

Brilio.net - The need for money is often very urgent in emergency situations. However, the availability of savings funds is not commensurate with the considerable need. Many people take several escape steps by looking for loans here and there. One of them is by looking for debt through money loan provider applications. This application is available on smartphones or devices, making it easier for people to access it.

However, what you need to remember is that not all money loan provider applications are legal and trustworthy. There are still many similar applications that are unofficial, fraudulent and often deceive their customers. One application that provides trusted money loans and has registered legality is the OVO application. This application, which was built in 2017, is a fintech company application that has received a digital money management permit from Bank Indonesia.

How to borrow money on the OVO application without an ID card  various sources

photo: ovo.id

If you need a money loan, one solution you can try is by borrowing money on the OVO application. How to borrow money on the OVO application can be accessed without having to provide an ID card as collateral, just like other money loan provider applications. An KTP is a card that is a privacy document, it would be very risky if the information was used as collateral. Apart from being without an ID card, OVO also makes it easy to borrow money which is guaranteed to be disbursed quickly.

Here's how to borrow money on the OVO application without needing an ID card, guaranteed to be disbursed immediately, as reported by brilio.net from various sources, Tuesday (4/3). Check out the loan procedures, complete all the requirements, and fulfill every step.

How to borrow money from the OVO application without KTP collateral:

How to borrow money on the OVO application without an ID card  various sources

photo: ovo.id

1. Please open the OVO application on your favorite smartphone. If you don't have the application, you can download it via Google Play Store or Apps Store.

2. "Login" to your OVO account. If you don't have an OVO account, complete the registration process until it is complete.

3. Enter "Registered phone number & PIN code" into the boxes provided.

4. Before accessing the loan feature, you must carry out the account verification stage. Follow the instructions provided, and fill in each requirement so that your account identity is verified.

5. If you have successfully verified, enter the home menu then select access to the "Loan" feature. It's located in the "Finance" menu on a separate page.

6. Fill in the "nominal amount" that you want to apply for, as well as the "loan repayment tenor". You can fill it according to your own needs and financial capabilities. Make sure you have the ability to return the money you borrow.

7. Next select "Loan application form". Fill in the application form with valid and honest personal data. OVO will use the application form as a comparison material to determine whether you are eligible for a loan or not.

8. If so, the next step is to wait for the verification and approval process from the OVO application. How quickly or how long it takes depends on how much nominal money you are applying for a loan for, or how complete the form data you fill in is.

9. If the money loan application process has been successful, congratulations on getting a money loan in the OVO application. You can immediately cash out the balance at the nearest ATM Bersama machine. You can use it immediately to pay off your needs.

10. The final step in borrowing money on the OVO application is to pay back the loan you have applied for. Note the loan repayment tenor previously selected during the application process. The sooner you return the loan, the more OVO will assess you as a trusted customer. The next time you need a loan again, you automatically don't need to worry about not getting a loan application.

As additional information, the following are the requirements needed when applying to borrow money from the OVO application:

1. The first condition, prospective borrowers must be at least 18 years old. If you have not reached this age limit, you can ask relatives or people older than you for help.

2. The second requirement is to have a verified OVO personal account. If you are confused about how to register an account, please follow the guide provided by the OVO application on the registration page.

3. The third requirement, fill in the loan application form with valid and complete personal data. Your honesty in filling out the form will be a comparison for the application in providing a loan.

4. Fourth condition, if you have ever borrowed money on a similar application, make sure you repay the loan before it is due. It can be seen that each particular service provider application has a link between applications. For those who are found not paying the loan, that person will be recorded as an uncommitted customer. The OVO application will also be reluctant to give you a loan if it is proven that you are someone who has no commitment.

That's how to borrow money on the OVO application, without KTP collateral it is guaranteed to be disbursed immediately. The hope is that the funds you apply for will really benefit your life. And keep in mind that applying for an online money loan like this is only needed when you are in a desperate situation. Comply with all applicable regulations and requirements. Be careful of applications that provide similar money loan services that are not trustworthy, aka fake PINJOL (Online Loan) applications. Hopefully this information is useful!

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.