
Through his video content, he often shares portraits of the corners in his luxury home.

  10 April 2024 19:25 - Currently, skin care products, aka skincare, seem to be increasingly popular with many people. In Indonesia, many entrepreneurs have started to enter the beauty industry. None other than a row of skincare bosses who have now had successful careers.

One of them is the figure of Tri Wahyuni who has recently stolen attention. Now, she is starting a skincare business called TMT Beauty Skincare . Through his video content, he often shares portraits of the corners in his luxury home.

Yes, her struggle to start a skincare business has paid off, including this luxurious residence. However, who would have thought that Tri Wahyuni had previously gone through difficult times working as a seller of fried foods, banana leaves and even chips.

Tri Wahyuni formerly came from Pacitan, East Java. It is known that he came from a simple family. The following is a portrait of skincare boss Tri Wahyuni's house in Pacitan. As compiled by from TikTok/@triwahyuds, Wednesday (10/4).

1. Well, this is the house of skincare boss Tri Wahyuni in Pacitan, East Java.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

2. This residence is a witness to Tri Wahyuni's childhood, of course there are many memories there.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

3. Unlike the current luxury house in Jakarta, the house in this village tends to be simpler.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

4. However, it feels so beautiful with the shady trees in front of the house. Plus the neighbors look friendly.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

5. One of them is this blackberry tree.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

6. This residence is also close to the beach, you know.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

7. The yard looks cool and natural. There are also chickens left to roam.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

8. The furniture in the house is still simple, such as the cupboard and carrying bag.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house

9. Likewise in the living room, even though it is not as large as the current residence, it has succeeded in making Tri Wahyuni nostalgic about going home.

Tri Wahyuni TikTok's old house
