foto: YouTube/AH

Rizky Ananda Musa said it cost around IDR 25 billion to renovate the house.

  6 April 2024 10:00 - In the midst of the many emerging skincare bosses showing luxury, there is one figure who does not fail to steal attention. He is Rizky Ananda Musa or known as Kiky. Because of the success of her business which has been known abroad, this woman was nicknamed Crazy Rich Bandung.

Nearly 13 years of running his business, Rizky Ananda Mus was able to build his dream residence. Unmitigated, the cost of renovating the residence costs around IDR 25 billion. It's not surprising that the appearance of the house is so luxurious, and this also applies to the rooftop.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop

The upstairs area which is equipped with a swimming pool looks spacious. It was so spacious that Rizky Ananda Musa also built a separate room for DJing. Are you curious about the luxury of this skincare boss's bedroom?

The following is a portrait of the luxurious rooftop of skincare boss Rizky Ananda Musa, as reported by from various sources on Friday (5/4).

1. His success in the cosmetics sector has made Rizky Ananda Musa, nicknamed Crazy Rich Bandung, have a luxurious residence. The luxury can be seen on the rooftop.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop

2. There appears to be a fairly large swimming pool with an elongated design. According to Rizky Ananda Musa, the cost of the swimming pool reached IDR 800 million.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop

3. Next to the swimming pool, there is a black daybed for relaxing.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

4. Not only beside the swimming pool, Rizky Ananda Musa also placed a black daybed with pillows in the indoor area.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

5. So, she and her husband and family can still relax even though it's raining.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

6. Interestingly, this rooftop area is also equipped with a minimalist white mini bar.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

7. In the mini bar area, there is a glass cupboard which stores several jar collections belonging to this celebrity and skincare entrepreneur.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

8. Considering that her husband likes DJing, he also provided a special area for DJing next to the mini bar.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

9. Looks like the DJ equipment is complete there. "Yesterday my father made a request because he happens to like playing music, so a special area has been created for playing electronic musical instruments," said the designer.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

10. On the third floor, as an entertainment area, there is a rooftop and swimming pool with charming views of the Flower City, Bandung.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design

11. Buying a finished building, Rizky Ananda Musa said it cost around IDR 25 billion to renovate the house.

portrait of Rizky Ananda Musa's luxurious rooftop  YouTube

Portrait of the luxury of Rizky Ananda Musa's rooftop
YouTube/Lifetime Design
