- Todays Google Doodle celebrates Hidetsugu Yagi's 130th birthday. The Japanese electrical engineer from Osaka wrote some articles that changed the digital world. He introduced a new antenna design by his colleague Shintaro Uda to the English-speaking world.
We should thank Yagi (as well as Uda) for keeping our television and radio signal coming in clear and powerful. Yagis antenna enables radios and televisions to receive stronger signals from a specific direction, prevents surrounding signal to interfere and create overlapping sounds.
Photo: google doodle yagi/Alyssa Winans
As the antenna technology developed and spread by Yagi and Uda, it was named the Yagi-Uda antenna. Because the antenna uses a very simple construction, it enabled directional communication with electric waves. This construction is still used in many type of todays antenna for ultra short or extremely short waves.
Their invention was patented in 1926 and is used today on millions of houses throughout the world for radio and television reception. Just look outside and you probably see them perched above the roofs (or maybe on your own roof).
Photo: google doodle yagi/Alyssa Winans
Google Doodler Alyssa Winans' early sketch showshow quickly, and broadly, Yagi and Uda's new technology was adopted.