foto: TikTok/@arvinamry_

It could be an inspiration for those of you who have to iron but the lights are out, or you don't even have an iron at all.

  22 Februari 2024 05:26 - Living alone abroad means boarding school children are required to be independent and solve various problems alone. Therefore, for some people, life in this boarding house tends to be difficult to endure. However, being a boarding house student also teaches you many things. It's not just about being independent, but also about dealing with many problems experienced in everyday life.

You could say, being a boarding house student also sharpens your creativity as an individual. For example, when you have to repair damaged goods, get around furniture that is left at home or that you don't have in the boarding house and much more.

That creativity is shown by the following boarding house children. In a video that went viral on TikTok social media, a girl's boarding house student was seen showing off ironing her hijab with an unusual tool. Instead of an iron or a straightener, she uses an odd trick to straighten her wrinkled hijab. But even though it looks strange, in fact it is effective for replacing the iron that you don't carry with you to the boarding house.

How boarding school kids make neat hijabs is an unexpected trick  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@arvinamry_

Reporting from the TikTok account @arvinamry_, Wednesday (21/2), the woman used a pan filled with hot water to iron her hijab. When she was in a pinch and had to quickly dress up with a hijab, this girl discovered an unexpected life hack .

" Whatever, as long as the hijab is neat, " reads the caption on the uploaded video. This was done because it wasn't that he didn't have an iron, but because he forgot to bring the iron to the boarding house. Previously, he returned home to meet his family and let go of his homesickness.

When he returned to his hometown, he also brought his iron, maybe because he needed an iron at home. When she returned overseas, she should have brought the iron back to the boarding house but the woman forgot. As a result, he had to do this trick of using a pan filled with hot water.

How boarding school kids make neat hijabs is an unexpected trick  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@arvinamry_

Instead of borrowing an iron from the next room or a friend who has one, the owner of this TikTok account instead prefers to prepare a pot filled with water and turn on his small portable stove to boil the water in the small pot, then rub it over his hijab which has been laid out. on the carpet. She also rubbed her hijab slowly and surely from end to end so that it was smooth and there were no wrinkles.

This video was watched 915.9 thousand times, liked 19.4 thousand times, and received 261 comments on TikTok when this article was written. Many TikTok residents are asking questions and telling their personal experiences about the same incident.

" Sis, I've done that too, but my hijab has holes, " said the account @sukamatcha9696

" I iron with a straightener, " said the account @bb_58.tb_162

" Sis, why not borrow a friend, " responded the account @lansembilan

" It doesn't burn, the pan doesn't burn the hijab, " wrote the account @azahra_almira

" I really didn't think about it before, " said the account @ncyxav

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