Making a report on the results of observations of oranges is one of the assignments often given in biology or agronomy subjects.

  15 September 2024 20:04 - Making an observation report on oranges is one of the assignments often given in biology or agronomy subjects. This report aims to document the findings obtained during the observation process. In this article, you will learn an example of an observation report text on oranges along with its structure that is in accordance with SEO rules.


Introduction is the first part of the orange observation report. In this section, you should explain the background of why the observation was conducted, the purpose of the observation, and the importance of the topic being observed. For example, you can explain that oranges are one of the most widely consumed fruits and have many health benefits, so it is important to understand their characteristics and qualities.

Observation method

The observation method section explains how you conducted your observation of the orange. You should include the tools and materials used, as well as the steps taken during the observation process. For example, you can note that you used measuring tools such as scales and rulers to measure the weight and diameter of the orange. In addition, you can also note that you observed the color, texture, and taste of the orange.

Orange observation results

This section is the core of the orange observation report. You should note down all the findings you obtained during the observation process. For example, you can note that the oranges observed have an average weight of 150 grams, an average diameter of 7 cm, bright orange skin color, and a sweet taste with a little sourness. You can also note that the oranges have a smooth skin texture and juicy flesh.


In the discussion section, you must analyze the results of the observations of the oranges that you have recorded. You can compare your findings with literature or other relevant sources. For example, you can compare the weight and diameter of the oranges that you observed with existing standards. You can also analyze factors that affect the quality of oranges, such as soil conditions, climate, and cultivation techniques.


The conclusion is the last part of the orange observation report. In this section, you should summarize the main findings of your observation and conclude whether the objectives of the observation have been achieved. For example, you can conclude that the oranges observed have good quality based on weight, diameter, color, texture, and taste. You can also provide recommendations for further observations or to improve the quality of the oranges.

Example of orange observation report text

The following is an example of an observation report text on oranges and its structure:

Introduction: Orange is one of the most consumed fruits worldwide due to its delicious taste and health benefits. This observation was conducted to understand the characteristics and quality of oranges available in the market.

Observation Method: Observation was conducted using scales, rulers, and other measuring instruments. Oranges were measured for weight, diameter, and observed for color, texture, and taste.

Orange Observation Results: The oranges observed had an average weight of 150 grams, an average diameter of 7 cm, bright orange skin color, and a sweet taste with a little sourness. The skin texture is smooth and the flesh is juicy.

Discussion: The results of the observation of oranges show that the oranges observed have good quality. The weight and diameter of the oranges are in accordance with existing standards. The color, texture, and taste of the oranges also indicate good quality. Factors such as soil conditions, climate, and cultivation techniques affect the quality of oranges.

Conclusion: This observation shows that the observed oranges have good quality based on weight, diameter, color, texture, and taste. Further observations can be made to further understand the factors that affect the quality of oranges.

By following the structure above, you can make a good and correct orange observation report. Make sure to record all findings in detail and analyze them well. Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are learning to make an orange observation report.
