Expository text is a type of text that is often used in various scientific writings, articles, or essays.

  9 September 2024 14:35

Brilio.net - Expository text is a type of text that is often used in various scientific writings, articles, or essays. This text aims to convey information, facts, or explanations objectively and clearly to the reader. In everyday life, we often encounter expository texts, both in books, newspapers, and online media. In order to better understand this type of text, it is important for us to know its definition, structure, and characteristics.

Understanding expository text can be done by looking at examples that are correct and in accordance with the applicable structure. Expository text does not only contain the author's opinion, but is also supported by logical arguments and relevant data. This is what distinguishes expository text from other types of text, such as narrative or descriptive texts that are more subjective.

By knowing examples of short expository texts, readers will find it easier to understand how to compose informative and objective texts. In addition, these examples can be a reference in composing strong arguments and arranging the right sentences so that the message to be conveyed can be well understood by the reader. Before discussing examples of short expository texts, it is important to know what expository texts are, their structure, and characteristics. Therefore, you must listen to the following discussion:

Definition of expository text

Expository text is a type of text that aims to provide information, explanation, or understanding of a topic objectively. The author of the expository text conveys facts, data, and logical arguments to explain a problem or concept, so that readers can understand the topic discussed in more depth. This text is often found in various forms of scientific writing, articles, reports, and textbooks.

Expository text structure

The structure of the expository text consists of three main parts, namely the statement of opinion (thesis), argumentation, and reaffirmation. Each part has an important role in conveying information clearly and organized. The structure of the expository text is as follows:

1. Statement of opinion (thesis)

In this section, the author states his/her views or opinions on the topic being discussed. This statement forms the basis of the argument that will be explained further in the text.

2. Argumentation

This section contains explanations that support the previously stated opinion statements. Arguments can be in the form of facts, data, research results, or concrete examples that are relevant to the topic. Arguments aim to strengthen the opinions that have been stated at the beginning.

3. Reaffirmation

In the closing section, the author repeats his/her opinion statement in a more assertive manner or provides a conclusion from the argument that has been explained previously. This reaffirmation serves to clarify the core message that he/she wants to convey to the reader.

Characteristics of expository text

Expository text has several characteristics that distinguish it from other types of text. One of its main characteristics is that it is objective, where the information conveyed is based on accurate facts and data. Other characteristics of expository text are as follows:

1. Objective

Expository text presents information or explanations that are objective, impartial, and based on facts.

2. Be informative

The main purpose of this text is to provide information or knowledge to the reader, so it is informative.

3. Standard and clear language

The use of language in expository texts is usually formal, standard, and clear so that readers can easily understand the topic being presented.

4. Contains facts and data

Expository texts not only contain opinions, but are also supported by facts, data, or relevant evidence to strengthen the argument.

5. Logical structure

Expository texts are structured logically and systematically, starting with a thesis, followed by supporting arguments, and ending with a reaffirmation.

After knowing the definition, structure, and characteristics of expository text, you can also sharpen your knowledge of short expository text by looking at some examples that brilio.net has collected from various sources, Monday (9/9). Come on, let's see the discussion.

1. Example of a short expository text about education

Education is one of the important factors in forming a highly competitive generation. In Indonesia, formal education starts from elementary education to higher education. Many developed countries make education a top priority in order to produce quality human resources. Therefore, Indonesia needs to pay more attention to the existing education system in order to be able to compete in the global arena.

2. Example of a short expository text about the environment

Environmental degradation is becoming a global problem that is getting worse. Illegal logging, excessive use of plastic, and water pollution are some of the factors that trigger environmental degradation. If not addressed immediately, this condition can threaten life on earth. Therefore, real steps are needed from various parties to overcome this problem.

3. Example of a short expository text about technology

Technology has developed very rapidly in the last few decades. Its presence facilitates various human activities, from communication, transportation, to industry. However, technological developments also have negative impacts, such as reduced direct social interaction and increased dependence on technological devices. Therefore, it is important for us to be wise in utilizing technology so that we can feel its benefits optimally.

4. Example of a short expository text about health

Health is a valuable asset for every individual. A healthy lifestyle, such as eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest, is the key to maintaining a healthy body. In this modern era, awareness of the importance of maintaining health is increasing, especially with the emergence of various modern diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyles.

5. Example of a short expository text about economics

A country's economic growth is greatly influenced by various factors, such as political stability, foreign investment, and the level of public consumption. In recent years, many countries have faced economic challenges due to the pandemic and global instability. Therefore, appropriate economic policies are needed to ensure sustainable economic growth.
