Creating a Javanese observation report can be a challenging task, especially if you are not yet familiar with the format and structure.

  14 September 2024 13:04 - Making a Javanese observation report can be a challenging task, especially if you are not familiar with the required format and structure. However, with the right guidance, you can create a report that is not only informative but also interesting to read. This article will provide an example of a Javanese observation report text that you can use as a reference.


The Javanese language observation report is a document containing the results of observations on the use of Javanese in various contexts. This observation can be done in various places such as schools, markets, or community environments. The purpose of this report is to provide a clear picture of how Javanese is used in everyday life.

Observation method

Before you start writing a Javanese observation report, it is important to determine the observation method that will be used. This method can be direct observation, interviews, or surveys. In this example, we will use the direct observation method in a traditional market.

Observation results

In this section, you will present the results of your Javanese language observations. For example, in a traditional market, you might find that Javanese is used by traders and buyers in various situations. Here are some findings that you can include in your report:

  1. Use of Javanese in transactions : Traders and buyers often use Javanese to communicate. For example, in bargaining prices, they use typical Javanese expressions that show politeness and familiarity.
  2. Dialect variations : You may also find variations in Javanese dialects used by people from different regions. For example, the Central Javanese dialect is different from the East Javanese dialect, and this can be an interesting point in your Javanese observation report.
  3. Foreign language influence : In some cases, you may find foreign language influences in everyday conversations. For example, some Indonesian or English words may be inserted into Javanese conversations.

After presenting the results of the Javanese language observations, the next step is to conduct an analysis. This analysis aims to provide a deeper understanding of the findings you have reported. For example, you can analyze why Javanese is still predominantly used in traditional markets, or how dialect variations affect communication between individuals.


The conclusion is the final part of your Javanese observation report. In this section, you will summarize the main findings and provide recommendations if necessary. For example, you can conclude that Javanese is still very relevant and widely used in everyday life, especially in traditional markets.

Example of observation report text in Javanese

The following is an example of a Javanese observation report text that you can use as a reference:

Title: Report on Observation Results of Javanese Language Use in Traditional Markets

Introduction: This report aims to observe the use of Javanese in traditional markets. Observations were conducted at Beringharjo Market, Yogyakarta, on September 10, 2024.

Observation method : The method used is direct observation by recording conversations between traders and buyers.

Observation results :

  1. Use of Javanese in transactions : Traders and buyers use Javanese in bargaining prices. Phrases such as "Nggih, Bu" and "Monggo" are often heard.
  2. Dialect variation : There are dialect variations between traders from Central Java and East Java. 3. Foreign language influence : Some words in Indonesian and English are inserted in the conversation.

Analysis: The use of Javanese shows that this language is still very relevant and widely used. Dialect variations show the cultural diversity that exists in traditional markets.

Conclusion: Javanese is still dominantly used in traditional markets, indicating that this language is still very relevant in everyday life. Recommendations for further research are to observe the use of Javanese in other environments such as schools or workplaces.
