
Apart from being funny, anecdotes can also be a sharp satire that criticizes corruptors without having to be too direct.

  6 September 2024 14:50 - Corruption is a serious problem that is very difficult to eradicate in various sectors. From state officials to ordinary people, this practice continues to exist and has a negative impact on the welfare of many people.

One effective way to criticize this is through anecdotal text. In addition to being funny, anecdotes can also be a sharp satire that criticizes corruptors without having to be too direct. Well, in this article there will be 5 examples of anecdotal texts saying no to corruption that can make you think while laughing.

Each text presents a simple but meaningful dialogue, with the main message: corruption must be rejected. Let's take a look at some examples of anecdotes below.

1. "Just Cigarette Money".

Village Head: "Sir, there is a fee to process this land certificate."

Mr. Budi: "How much does it cost, Mr. Village Head?"

Village Head: "Ah, it's not expensive, just money for cigarettes."

Mr. Budi: "Cigarette money? But I don't smoke, sir."

Village Head: "Hmm, then... coffee money?"

Mr. Budi: "I don't drink coffee either."

The village head smiled: "Okay, then I'll have the coffee. Just pay as usual."

Mr. Budi could only sigh.

Sarcasm: From small things, such as 'cigarette money' or 'coffee money', corruption thrives and is considered normal.

2. "Non-Tender Project".

Official 1: "Hey, how's the road construction project going? Has anyone won the auction?"

Official 2 smiled slyly: "Yes, but not through auction. Just go straight to it."

Official 1: "Oh, how can that be?"

Officer 2: "Yes, that's our version of an 'auction'. The results are quicker and... profitable."

Sarcasm: Corruption behind big projects often occurs without proper processes, for the benefit of a handful of people.

3. "Get a ticket, find a shortcut".

Policeman: "Excuse me, sir, you violated a traffic sign. You must be ticketed."

Driver: "Wow, sir, can you help me? I'm in a hurry."

The policeman smiled: "Yes, but... you know how."

The driver took out money from his pocket: "Oh, I see, sir. This is an 'administration fee', right?"

The policeman accepted the money casually: "That's right, that's right. It's safe, keep going!"

Sarcasm: Petty corruption on the streets, such as ticketing, has become a culture that is considered normal in the eyes of some people.

4. "Fictitious Report".

Committee Chair: "Sir, the budget for the event is ready. But how come only half is used?"

Treasurer: "We'll just put in the rest of the report, so it's neat."

The committee chairman was confused: "What report is that?"

Treasurer: "Fictitious report, sir. There was no event, but there was a budget."

The committee chairman nodded slowly: "Wow, you're smart. The important thing is that the report is complete, right?"

Sarcasm: Manipulation of budget reports often occurs to secure one's own pockets without considering the public interest.

5. "Seat of Office".

Senior Official: "You want a promotion?"

Prospective Official: "Of course, sir. What are the requirements?"

The Senior Official smiled broadly: Yes there is a small administration fee.

The prospective official frowned: "How much, sir?"

Senior Official: "It's not about numbers, what's important is... loyalty, understand?"

The prospective official smiled hesitantly: "Understood, sir. But... what about the people later?"

The Senior Official patted him on the shoulder: "People? They'll come later, the important thing is that your seats are safe."

Satire: The practice of bribery for positions has become an open secret, often sacrificing the interests of the people.

Through the 5 examples of anecdotal texts say no to corruption above, it is clear how corruption, both in small and large forms, has taken root in various levels of society. These satires are not just for fun, but also for self-reflection. It's time to seriously reject corruption, starting from yourself.
