This letter must also comply with legal provisions so that it is legally valid and does not cause problems in the future.

  2 Oktober 2024 05:10 - A power of attorney to collect a land certificate is an official document that authorizes someone to collect a land certificate on behalf of its owner. In certain situations, the landowner may not be able to attend in person, thus requiring a power of attorney as a form of legal representation .

Preparing a power of attorney to collect a land certificate requires a good understanding of the important elements that must be present, such as the identity of the grantor, the recipient of the power of attorney, and the details of the land in question. Not only that, this letter must also be in accordance with legal provisions so that it is legally valid and does not cause problems in the future.

Therefore, understanding the example of a power of attorney for taking a land certificate is very important for anyone who needs it, especially without the presence of the direct owner. This power of attorney is not only used for personal purposes, but can also be needed in land sale and purchase transactions or certificate divisions.

Without waiting any longer, here is a complete review of an example of a power of attorney for collecting land certificates, reported by from various sources on Tuesday (1/10).

Definition of power of attorney for collecting land certificates.

Example of a power of attorney for collecting land certificates  2024


A power of attorney to collect a land certificate is a legal document that gives authority to a third party (the power of attorney) to represent the land owner (the grantor of the power of attorney) in collecting the land certificate at the land office or related agency.

This power of attorney is usually used when the landowner cannot be present in person for various reasons, such as being busy, health conditions, or being out of town. Through this power of attorney, the recipient of the power of attorney obtains the right to act on behalf of the principal only within the limits stated in the letter.

The power of attorney for collecting land certificates must contain several important elements to be legally valid, including:

1. Identity of the grantor and grantee of power of attorney Full name, address, and official identification such as ID cards of both parties must be stated.

2. Object of power of attorney The letter must specifically explain the object of power of attorney, namely the land certificate to be taken, along with the certificate number or land description.

3. Signature and stamp To ensure the validity of the document, the power of attorney must be signed by the grantor and stamped in accordance with applicable provisions.

4. Limitations of power The grantor of power of attorney must clearly explain the limits of the power of attorney recipient's authority, namely only for the collection of land certificates, not for other actions such as selling or transferring land rights.

Well, the power of attorney for collecting land certificates is regulated in the Indonesian Civil Code (KUHPerdata), specifically Articles 1792 to 1819 which discuss the power of attorney agreement. In this regulation, it is explained that power of attorney is a right given by one person to another party to represent or act on his behalf in certain legal acts. The power of attorney for collecting land certificates falls into the category of special powers, where the grantor of the power of attorney grants authority only to collect land certificate documents.

In addition to being regulated by the Civil Code, a power of attorney for taking a land certificate must also comply with the provisions of the National Land Agency (BPN) which is responsible for land affairs in Indonesia. The BPN requires that a valid power of attorney must be accompanied by other supporting documents such as the original ID cards of the grantor and grantee of the power of attorney, as well as a photocopy of the related land certificate. This process ensures that the land certificate is taken with the full consent of the owner and there is no abuse of authority.

Example of a power of attorney for collecting a land certificate.

Example of a power of attorney for collecting land certificates  2024


Example 1: Power of Attorney for Land Certificate Collection for Individuals


The undersigned below:

Name: Andi Wirawan
ID card number: 1234567890123456
Address: Jl. Melati No. 12, South Jakarta

Hereinafter referred to as the Grantor of Power of Attorney.

Hereby authorizes:

Name: Budi Santoso
ID card number: 6543210987654321
Address: Jl. Cempaka No. 10, East Jakarta

Hereinafter referred to as the Attorney.

For and on behalf of the Principal, take the land certificate with the following details:

- Certificate of Ownership No. 1234

- Land Area: 500 m
- Address: Jl. Anggrek No. 5, South Jakarta

This power of attorney is granted with the right of substitution and is valid from the date of signing this letter.

Thus this power of attorney is made to be used as appropriate.

Jakarta, October 1, 2024

(10,000 stamp)
Andi Wirawan


Example 2: Power of Attorney for Land Certificate Collection for Business Entities


The undersigned below:

Name: PT Nusantara Jaya
Address: Jl. Kemuning No. 20, Surabaya
Deed Number: 22/Surabaya/2024
President Director: Rudi Hartono
ID card number: 6789012345678901

Hereinafter referred to as the Grantor of Power of Attorney.

Hereby authorizes:

Name: Dina Permatasari
ID card number: 0987654321234567
Address: Jl. Mawar No. 9, Surabaya

Hereinafter referred to as the Attorney.

For and on behalf of the Principal, take the land certificate with the following details:

- Building Use Rights Certificate No. 9876

- Land Area: 1,500 m

- Address: Jl. Bambu Kuning No. 30, Surabaya

This power of attorney is valid from the date of signing and cannot be used for any purpose other than collecting the land certificate.

Surabaya, October 1, 2024

(10,000 stamp)
Rudy Hartono
President Director of PT Nusantara Jaya

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