
There is a special way to avoid being chased by dogs.

  18 September 2024 08:10 - Recently, a CCTV video showed a female pedestrian being attacked by a herder dog in an elite housing complex, Semarang, Central Java. This incident occurred in the Graha Padma Housing Complex, where the dog suddenly attacked the woman who was passing in front of her owner's house. The victim suffered serious injuries and received 12 stitches on her thigh, waist, and back due to the bite.

The attacking herder has now been euthanized by agreement between the dog's owner, the victim, and residents around the housing complex. This incident shocked many people and made them wonder how to save themselves if chased by a dog.

Knowing the right way can be a lifesaver when in such a dangerous situation. Here are 9 ways to save yourself when being chased by a dog that you can apply, compiled by from various sources, Tuesday (17/9).

1. Stay calm and don't panic.

9 ways to save yourself when being chased by a dog  2024


When you see a dog approaching, try to stay calm. Panicking will only make the dog more aggressive. Take a deep breath and try to control yourself.

2. Don't run.

Running away from a dog can trigger their hunting instincts. They will see you as prey to be chased. Instead, stand still or walk backwards slowly while still facing the dog.

3. Avoid direct eye contact.

Looking directly into a dog's eyes can be seen as a threat. Focus your gaze elsewhere, but keep an eye on his movements. Don't turn your back on the dog completely.

4. Use objects around you.

If you have an object like an umbrella, bag, or jacket, use it to block the dog. It can act as a barrier between you and the dog. It can also make the dog hesitate to approach.

5. Be dominant but not aggressive.

9 ways to save yourself when being chased by a dog  2024


Showing dominance can intimidate a dog. Stand tall and speak in a firm voice but don't shout. This can make a dog think twice before attacking.

6. Use commands.

If the dog approaches, use a simple command such as "no" or "go away" in a firm voice. Many dogs are trained to respond to simple commands. This may cause the dog to stop its attack.

7. Don't turn around and show your back.

Showing your back can make a dog feel more dominant and willing to attack. Always face the dog, even if you have to back away. This gives the impression that you are ready to fight.

8. Find a safe place.

If there is a tree, fence, or car nearby, try to move slowly towards the safe place. A safe place can provide physical protection from a dog attack. Don't climb too quickly, as this can provoke the dog to chase you.

9. Using dog spray.

If you frequently walk in areas with lots of dogs, consider carrying dog spray. This spray is harmless but can deter aggressive dogs. Use it when a dog gets too close.

First aid steps if bitten by a dog.

In addition to knowing how to save yourself from a dog attack, it is also important to know the first aid steps if bitten by a dog. Here are five first aid steps you can take:

1. Clean the wound.

Clean the bite wound immediately with running water and soap. This cleaning is important to reduce the risk of infection. Make sure to clean the area around the wound well.

2. Stop the bleeding.

If the wound is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean cloth or bandage to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop, seek medical attention immediately. Do not use any medications without medical advice.

3. Use antiseptic.

Once the wound is cleaned and the bleeding has stopped, apply antiseptic to the injured area. Antiseptics help prevent further infection. Be sure to use an antiseptic that is safe for open wounds.

4. Cover the wound.

Cover the wound with a sterile bandage to protect it from dirt and bacteria. Change the bandage regularly to keep it clean. Do not bandage the wound too tightly because it can restrict blood flow.

5. Seek medical help.

Go to the doctor or nearest health facility immediately for further treatment. The doctor may give a tetanus or rabies vaccine if necessary. Do not ignore bite wounds because they can be fatal if not treated properly.

Knowing how to save yourself when being chased by a dog and first aid steps when bitten is very important for your safety. Do not panic and remember the steps above to protect yourself from dog attacks. Stay alert and always be prepared in an emergency situation .
